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Creating an Irritating Experience in League of Legends

League of Legends: Annoying Your Opponents for Psychological Warfare

League of Legends is not all fun and games. Sometimes, we come across opponents who just irk us for various reasons. But you can use their annoyance to your advantage. Getting under your opponent’s skin can tip the balance of the game in your favor, as it often leads to mistakes on their part. Let the psychological warfare begin!

Spammable Attacks and Cookie Cutters

Certain champions excel at harassing opponents in lane, making it difficult for you to deal with them. For example, try last-hitting against Pantheon as a melee champion. It’s not a pleasant experience. Wukong is also annoying with his spam-able combos and low mana cost.

Annoying Builds

Changes in champions and items can shift the meta and make certain champions even more annoying. Yorick becomes a split-pushing monster with the addition of Hullbreaker. Popular items like Turbo Chemtank and Immortal Shieldbow can also make champions frustrating to deal with.

Playing Something Off-Meta… That Actually Works

Experimenting with off-meta builds can catch opponents off guard and disrupt their game plans. Keep an open mind and be prepared for the unexpected. The Korean server is known for introducing innovative builds that opponents are not prepared for.


Camping in a bush and leaving your enemy guessing is a great way to annoy them. Champions like Renekton and Fiora excel at dueling and can zone you out just by standing there.


Dodging opponents’ skillshots can frustrate them and waste their mana. It can also psych them out and make them miss future attempts.

Deleting Champions

Assassins and champions with high scaling damage can quickly delete squishy targets. Nasus and Veigar are examples of champions who become incredibly powerful in the late game.

Not Ending the Game

Dragging out a game instead of ending it can be a form of psychological warfare. It adds salt to the wound and humiliates your opponents. However, be cautious as games can still turn around due to unexpected actions.

When All Else Fails: Emojis

Spamming emojis can trigger your opponents and throw them off their game. It’s a provocative tactic that can be effective after a kill or outplay.

Bonus: Picking Teemo

Teemo is notorious for being an annoying champion to deal with. His shrooms and blinds can frustrate opponents and disrupt their game strategy.

By using these tactics, you can tilt your opponents and gain an advantage in the game. Just remember to keep it sportsmanlike and have fun!