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Crash: A Promising Rookie Shines Bright as the Split’s Best Player

Crash’s Impressive Start to LCK Career

Crash had an impressive start to his LCK career in the LZ vs Cj Entus match, even though it was his first professional game. Compared to fellow rookies like Peanut and Chaser, Crash showed great potential with his game sense and ability to read the game. He excelled in counter-jungling and placing deep wards, which sets him apart from other rookie junglers from different regions.

Crash’s aggressive playstyle, especially with Nidalee, allowed his laners to take advantage of the opportunities he created. He nullified Bubbling’s Elise throughout the game and had significant jungle pressure by the 15-minute mark, out-farming the enemy top laners. His deep wards and communication not only kept him safe, but also provided valuable information for his laners to play aggressively. This allowed Frozen to showcase his aggressive playstyle on a champion that complements it.

Although Crash had a few blunders during the game, such as getting caught due to insufficient ward coverage, he has the potential to become one of the best junglers in Korea. With more game time and attention from the team and coaching staff, he could even be the Rookie of the Split.

Crash, LCK career, LZ vs Cj Entus, professional game, rookie junglers, Peanut, Chaser, ward placements, communication, game sense, counter jungle, deep wards, Moon Crumbzz, Santorin, aggressive movements, defensive jungling style, aggressive playstyle, Nidalee, jungle pressure, top laners, Frozen, blunders, rookie of the split.