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Consideration of Removing Promos from League of Legends by Riot

Why the Promotion System in League of Legends Needs a Change

The promotion system in League of Legends can be incredibly frustrating. Just when you think you’re about to reach the next tier, you end up losing and feeling like all your progress was for nothing. The system feels unfair and not transparent enough.

Riot Kenyu, a Riot Games representative, recently commented on the League of Legends boards saying that the system works to give players a 50/50 chance of winning every game, including promos. But many players argue that it doesn’t feel that way. It feels like you’re constantly getting the short end of the stick.

A Possible Solution to the Problem

Removing promos entirely might be a difficult task, but it’s not out of the question. The ranking system itself can feel flawed and time-consuming, especially for casual players who don’t have thousands of hours to sink into the game.

Instead of going through a best-of-three series during promos, why not just rank up? This would make the ranking process smoother and less of a chore. Players would still end up at their deserved rank, and if they weren’t good enough, they would eventually hit a roadblock.

Riot has shown in the past that they’re willing to experiment and make changes. So why not try an alternative method for the promotion system? It can always be reverted if it doesn’t work out.

Another option is to keep promos but make them shorter and less time-consuming. This would make promos feel like more of an achievement and less like a barrier to progress.

In the end, it’s important for League of Legends to adapt and change in order to keep growing. The current promotion system has its flaws, and a drastic change might be the way forward.

League of Legends, promotion system, ranked games, promos, Riot Games, ranking process, casual players, alternative method, progress, achievement, barrier to progress.