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Conquering SK Telecom T1: Mastering Their Bleeding Strategies

SK Telecom T1 Fall from Grace at MSI

SK Telecom T1 arrived at MSI as favorites, but were surprisingly defeated by a rookie European squad and an underrated Chinese team. The Koreans, who were once considered unbeatable, showed that they were mortal and could be defeated.

Before the tournament, SKT had a strong showing in the LCK playoffs, winning the title with a 3-0 sweep of the GE Tigers. They continued their dominance in the Round Robin stage of MSI, going undefeated with a 5-0 record. However, their opponents in the playoffs were able to expose their weaknesses and take them down.

Three Keys to Victory Over SKT

SKT’s opponents were able to secure victory by focusing on three key strategies:

1. Start the Snowball Early

SKT showed weakness in the early stages of the game, giving up First Bloods and first Towers in the majority of their playoff games. While SKT was able to make comebacks in many of these games, their opponents were successful by building an early-game snowball and turning their small leads into much larger advantages.

2. Push the Pace

Teams that were able to dictate the pace of the game and engage in constant aggression had more success against SKT. By keeping the kills flowing and constantly pressuring the map, SKT’s opponents were able to prevent SKT from executing their more controlled and tactical playstyle.

3. Keep it Messy

SKT preferred a slower and more controlled game, with less action in the laning phase. However, teams that were able to disrupt SKT’s game plan and create chaos had more success. By embracing a more aggressive and unpredictable playstyle, their opponents were able to catch SKT off guard and secure victories.

These strategies were successful because they forced SKT out of their comfort zone and prevented them from executing their coordinated teamfighting and map movement. However, it’s important to note that SKT still remains a formidable team and may adjust their playstyle in future competitions.

SK Telecom T1, MSI, defeats, European squad, Chinese team, weaknesses, victory, early-game snowball, aggression, chaos