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Comprehensive Guide: Master All Hwei Abilities and Combos in League of Legends

Hwei: League of Legends’ Newest Champion

Riot has just announced the newest champion, Hwei, for its ever-expanding roster in League of Legends. With a whopping 10 active spells, Hwei is one of the most versatile champions in the game. As an AP mid lane mage, Hwei can choose between three subjects—Disaster, Serenity, and Torment—to cast different types of spells and create devastating combos.

To cast an ability, Hwei first selects a subject, which grants access to three different spells. These spells can be combined to unleash a desired effect. In total, Hwei has 10 active abilities and one passive, making him one of the deepest champions in League.

All of Hwei’s Abilities and Subjects in League of Legends

Hwei concept art

Passive: Signature of the Visionary

  • Hwei’s damaging abilities mark enemy champions, causing an explosion after hitting them with another damaging ability. The explosion deals magic damage to all enemies in range.

Q – Subject: Disaster

Hwei gains access to three abilities that focus on dealing heavy damage to enemies.

QQ: Devastating Fire
  • Hwei paints a blazing fireball that explodes on impact, dealing magic damage plus max health magic damage to enemies in the area.
QW: Severing Bolt
  • Hwei paints a long-range bolt that strikes after a delay, dealing magic damage. Immobilized or isolated enemies take increased damage.
QE: Molten Fissure
  • Hwei creates exploding volcanic eruptions, leaving behind lingering lava. Each eruption deals magic damage, and enemies in the lava area take damage per second and are slowed.

W – Subject: Serenity

The Serenity subject grants Hwei access to supportive spells that provide buffs and shields to allies.

WQ: Fleeting Current
  • Hwei creates a current of swift waters that grants movement speed to himself and his allies.
WW: Pool of Reflection
  • Hwei creates a protective pool that provides a shield to allied champions inside. The shield increases in value over time.
WE: Stirring Lights
  • Hwei creates swirling lights that circle him, granting bonus magic damage and mana on hit for his next three attacks or spells.

E – Subject: Torment

The Torment subject focuses on crowd control, with all three spells having CC or displacement effects.

EQ: Grim Visage
  • Hwei launches a terrifying face that deals magic damage and causes the target to flee briefly.
EW: Gaze of the Abyss
  • Hwei paints an abyssal eye that grants vision and roots the nearest visible enemy champion after a delay.
EE: Crushing Maw
  • Hwei creates crushing jaws that deal magic damage, pull enemies towards the center, and slow them.

R – Spiraling Despair

Hwei launches a vision of pure despair that sticks to an enemy champion, dealing magic damage per second to all enemies in its path. Enemies within the zone suffer stacks of Despair, resulting in a stacking percent slow. The vision shatters upon completion, dealing additional magic damage.

Note that Hwei’s abilities are subject to change as the champion is tested on League’s PBE. Hwei is set to go live on the PBE soon and will be released after Patch 13.24 on Dec. 6.

Hwei, League of Legends, champion, active spells, skill ceiling, Disaster, Serenity, Torment, abilities, subjects, combos, AP mid lane mage, Riot Games