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Complete guide for creating your ideal “League of Legends” fantasy team with essential statistics

If you are looking to prepare for your League of Legends fantasy draft, we’ve got you covered.

Riot Games’ League Championship Series (LCS) fantasy platform opened today. But one thing lacking on Riot’s home site? Useful stats.

We compiled total Fantasy Points and Fantasy Points per game using Riot’s scoring system for every player who appeared in last year’s NA or EU LCS and sorted them by fantasy position.

The ranking doesn’t include players from relegated teams, like Team Coast, or players who only subbed in for a couple of games, with a few exceptions: players who will be starting for LCS teams this season, like Millenium jungler Markus “Kottenx” Tingvall, who only had 6 games played, are on the list.

Some retired players or players leaving LCS teams are also on the list, like Brian “TheOddOne” Wyllie, because their stats may help predict how their replacements will perform in the upcoming season.

Note that triple kills, quadra kills, penta kills, and games with 10+ kills or assists are included in the point totals, but not listed on the spreadsheet.

New players and teams, like Chinese squad LMQ, are not included since they don’t have stats from last season.

You can access stats for each position via the tabs at the bottom of the embedded doc.

Stats via our friends at

Some notes:
– The NA scene dominated Europe when it comes to fantasy points, but beware: That may not happen in the next split, with LMQ entering the league and whipping boys XDG exiting. While Complexity and EG may still be fantasy point pinatas, expect some of the top NA players to regress a bit towards the pack.

– Fantasy stats in League are heavily based on winning and losing. A winning team racks up fantasy points at the end of the game, after they have a clear advantage, even if most of the match is close. So try to take advantage of that in matchup play and draft accordingly: if you think Danny “Shiphtur” Le is going to push Dignitas to the top, don’t be afraid to take the plunge.

– Don’t invest heavily in the top lane position, unless you can grab one of the top guys. There’s a clear tier of three top players: An “Balls” Van Le, Marcus “Dyrus” Hill, and Paul “sOAZ” Boyer. But they are only 5 or so FPPG above the rest of the field. The eighth-ranked top laner, Diego “Quas” Ruiz, posted 14.6 FPPG and looked to be trending up as the season progressed. So there are late options.

– That is, unless you want to shoot for the stars. Former CLG top laner Zach “Nientonsoh” Malhas posted a solid 15.09 FPPG number, so replacement Shin “Seraph” Woo Yeong could put up superstar numbers if his mechanics are really that good.

– It’s no surprise the jungle is dominated by William “Meteos” Hartman, who probably deserves to be the first overall pick in fantasy drafts. His 22.58 FPPG tower over the competition, a considerable 7.22 FPPG over eighth-ranked Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen. Hartman could be worth the No. 1 overall pick, considering positional value; the next highest jungler still in the league is Marcel “Dexter” Feldkamp with 18.43 FPPG.

– After Meteos, there aren’t many jungle standouts, so consider some sleepers. Last season, Brian “TheOddOne” Wyllie posted 20.19 FPPG, good for second in the jungle, despite being largely considered one of the league’s lower impact junglers. That means there’s huge potential for replacement Maurice “Amazing” Stückenschneider, whose 16.22 FPPG was good for fifth last season. Another sleeper: Markus “KottenX” Tingvall of Millenium who posted an extremely impressive 17.62 FPPG for the weak team Millenium in six games played. He’s shown an ability to post numbers in losing games and may be overlooked for playing on a weaker team.

– The high-scoring mid lane was dominated by Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg, another candidate for the first overall selection. His 24.21 FPPG is nearly 4 FPPG better than the third-ranked player and almost a full 7.72 FPPG than the eighth-ranked Jesse “Jesiz” Le.

– If you don’t get Bjerg, fear not. Most of the star mid laners put up big numbers. Just don’t wait too long to grab a mid, as the drop-off after the first six or so players may make your fantasy season tough.

– The ADC position is another high-scoring one, but Jason “WildTurtle” Tran and Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi stood over 3.5 FPPG above the next player. But the eighth ranked ADC, Eriv “Tabzz” van Helvert, put up a respectable 18.19 FPPG. ADC is the deepest position in fantasy. Be careful taking Tran – he’s got a rookie support this year, Nicolas “Gleebglarbu” Haddad, and that could impact his performance.

– Watch out for ADC sleepers like David “Cop” Roberson or LMQ’s Li “Vasilii” Wei-Jun. Curse’s marksman will play next season with top support Alex “Xpecial” Chu, so his laning is due for a bit of a boost over an already solid 18.37 FPPG. Vasilii often puts up big numbers thanks to LMQ’s high paced gameplay and could be a top four fantasy ADC if his team has a good season.

– Keep the flex position in mind. Mid lane and ADCs score higher than the other spots, so you’ll likely want to grab one to man your flex. If you miss out on one of the top three top laners, for example, it may be better to take a star mid or marksman to fill your flex over wasting a pick reaching for mid-tier top. Grabbing a flex player posting 18+ FPPG will probably be a key to many championship teams.

– Support is the lowest-scoring position, but it could be the key to winning your league. Daerek “LemonNation” Hart posted 19.17 FPPG. That’s 6.78 FPPG more than the eighth-ranked support, Petar “Unlimited” Georgiev. And Hart may not have much competition this season – Alex “Xpecial” Chu posted 19.02 FPPG, but his move from TSM to Curse will surely make that number fall. Hart may not be the “sexy” pick, like a mid or ADC, but his positional advantage and consistency could make him a steal, especially with his biggest competitor likely falling.

– Chu might be a risky pick due to his move to Curse from TSM, so his numbers will likely fall some, but not as much as you might think: Michael “Bunny FuFuu” Kurylo was at a fourth-ranked pace in his 12 GP last season, so if Chu is better, his numbers should maintain.

– TSM’s new support, Nicolas “GleebGlarbu” Haddad, is a safe bet to be a big performer. Even if he’s a downgrade from Chu, it’s unlikely he posts numbers much worse than the middle of the pack, and the upside on TSM is big, with potential for tons of assists on a high-kill team with the best ADC in NA, Tran.

– The Team position is a bit like the Kicker of LCS Fantasy, for those Fantasy Football buffs. The difference between the top team, Cloud 9, at 15.89 FPPG, and eighth-place Roccat, with 12.04 FPPG is 3.85 FPPG, about half of any other position save top lane. That said, it certainly won’t hurt to pick up a solid winner like Cloud 9, especially if you miss out on top talent at some other position.

Good luck in your fantasy drafts!

Related keywords: League of Legends, LCS, fantasy draft, Riot Games, fantasy points, NA LCS, EU LCS, stats, players, top lane, mid lane, ADC, Jungle, support, team position