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Complete Build Guide for Full AP Tryndamere

AP Tryndamere: A Fun and Effective Build for URF

AP Tryndamere has become a popular build in URF due to its ability to deal massive damage with low cooldowns. In addition to his high burst damage from his E ability, Tryndamere can also heal a lot with his Q ability, which scales with ability power. This makes AP Tryndamere difficult to counter while still allowing him to deal tons of damage with his basic attacks. Let’s explore what makes AP Tryndamere possible and how to maximize its effectiveness.

What Made AP Tryndamere Possible?

Tryndamere has AP scaling with his E and Q abilities, making AP items a good fit for him. His E, Spinning Slash, is his primary source of damage and can be used to engage or disengage from enemies. It also allows him to traverse walls for surprise attacks or jungle invades. With a base damage of 80/110/140/170/200 (+80% ability power) (+1.3 per bonus attack damage), AP scaling greatly enhances the damage of Tryndamere’s E. His Q ability, Bloodlust, allows him to consume Fury to heal himself. It has an AP scaling of 30/40/50/60/70 (+30% of ability power) Health, plus 0.5/0.95/1.4/1.85/2.3 (+1.2% of ability power) Health per Fury consumed. The healing from his Q and the on-hit magic damage from AP items synergize well, making AP Tryndamere a formidable champion.

AP Tryndamere Runes

For AP Tryndamere, it’s important to focus on increasing healing and longevity in team fights. The Precision rune tree is a good choice, with Conqueror providing sustained damage and healing, Triumph offering sustainability in the early game, Legend: Tenacity countering crowd control, and Last Stand synergizing with Tryndamere’s ultimate and passive. In the Resolve tree, Second Wind helps with sustain against poke damage, while Unflinching synergizes with Legend: Tenacity. These rune choices complement AP Tryndamere’s playstyle and enhance his effectiveness.

Mythic Options and Legendary Items

For mythic items, Riftmaker and Night Harvester are the top choices for AP Tryndamere. Riftmaker synergizes with his extended fight capability, allowing him to deal more damage and increase his Omni Vamp. Night Harvester is great for poking and dominating the lane, providing burst damage and bonus movement speed. As for legendary items, Lich Bane and Nashor’s Tooth are core items that provide high ability power and enhance Tryndamere’s on-hit damage. Rabadon’s Deathcap is a must-have for increasing ability power, while Cosmic Drive improves mobility and ability haste. Morellonomicon offers Grievous Wounds for countering healing, and Zhonya’s Hourglass provides protection and additional ability power.

AP vs. AD Tryndamere

While AD Tryndamere is the more common build, AP Tryndamere offers a unique playstyle and can catch opponents off guard. AP Tryndamere’s healing from Q and the low cooldown of his E make him a formidable champion. Stacking ability haste is crucial for AP Tryndamere to dash around the map and take down enemies. However, AP Tryndamere requires more skill and game knowledge to counter opponents effectively and choose the right items. It’s important to note that AP Tryndamere sacrifices some damage to objectives compared to AD Tryndamere. Overall, AP Tryndamere can be a fun and effective build for casual play and URF mode.

Final Thoughts

AP Tryndamere is not a universally optimal build path but can be highly effective if mastered. It offers a unique playstyle and can catch opponents off guard. However, it sacrifices some damage to objectives compared to the traditional AD build. If you’re looking to experiment and have fun with Tryndamere in a lower-pressure environment, AP Tryndamere can provide an enjoyable and engaging experience. Just remember to adapt your playstyle and itemization based on the situation and counter your opponents effectively. Enjoy exploring the world of AP Tryndamere!