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Complete Build Guide for Full AP Tryndamere

AP Tryndamere is a popular build in URF because it allows you to deal high damage with the E ability. It also has a low cooldown.

In addition to the burst damage from E, Tryndamere can heal a lot with his Q ability, which scales with ability power. AP Tryndamere is difficult to counter and can still deal high damage with basic attacks because of magic on-hit items.

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What Made AP Tryndamere Possible?

Let’s start with Tryndamere’s scaling. He has AP scaling with his E and Q abilities. His E, Spinning Slash, is his primary source of damage and can be used to engage or disengage from enemies. It has a base damage that scales with ability power. AP scales better with this ability than AD does.

Tryndamere’s Q, Bloodlust, allows him to consume the Fury meter he generates and heal based on ability power. It is important to max this ability to stay in lane with high HP.

Mage items synergize well with Tryndamere’s build, making them a good choice for AP Tryndamere.

AP Tryndamere Runes

For AP Tryndamere, focus on increasing healing and longevity during team fights. The Precision tree is a good choice with Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand runes.

In the Resolve tree, choose Second Wind for sustain against poke and Unflinching to enhance Tenacity. As for bonus stats, go for +10% Attack speed, +9 Adaptive, and +6 Armor.

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Mythic Options

There are two mythic item options for AP Tryndamere: Riftmaker and Night Harvester. Riftmaker scales with Tryndamere’s level and increases his damage and healing. Night Harvester is good for poking and movement speed.

Legendary Item Options

The core items for AP Tryndamere are Lich Bane and Nashor’s Tooth. Lich Bane provides burst damage and bonus movement speed, while Nashor’s Tooth enhances attack speed and ability power. Other options include Rabadon’s Deathcap, Cosmic Drive, Morellonomicon, and Zhonya’s Hourglass.

AP vs. AD Tryndamere

AP Tryndamere is a unique build compared to the more common AD build. It offers better healing and a lower cooldown on the E ability. The build revolves around ability haste and requires micro ability to counter champions.

Final Thoughts

AP Tryndamere is not the optimal build in most cases, but it can be fun and effective in certain situations. It sacrifices some damage to objectives compared to AD Tryndamere. Overall, it offers a low cooldown playstyle similar to URF.

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