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Comparison: Exhaust vs. Ignite – Identifying the Superior Option

Summoner Spells: Exhaust vs Ignite

Summoner spells are crucial for planning successful tactics in esports games. However, you have to choose wisely because you’re only allowed to pick two spells. The most commonly used summoner spell is Flash, but the other one depends on the role you play. In this guide, we will compare Exhaust and Ignite, two summoner spells frequently used by Summoners. Stay with us to learn when and how to use each spell effectively.


Exhaust is a single-target summoner spell that slows down enemies and reduces their attack damage. It has a cooldown of 210 seconds and a range of 650. It doesn’t reduce true damage, so keep that in mind before using it. The cooldown can be reduced by summoner spell cooldown reduction, and it cannot be removed by the enemy using Cleanse. Exhaust is particularly useful against champions that deal high amounts of damage, such as assassins, bruisers, and ADCs. It’s also helpful when chasing down enemies or trying to escape from them as it slows them down and reduces their attack damage.


Ignite is a spell that deals true damage to a single-target enemy over time. The damage is divided into ticks, with each tick dealing damage based on summoner level. It cannot be mitigated by damage reduction, but shields and invulnerability effects will absorb the damage. Ignite grants vision of the enemy while active and applies 40% Grievous Wounds to the targeted champion, reducing their healing effects. It has a cooldown of 180 seconds and a range of 600. Ignite is useful for chasing down enemies and securing kills, making it a good choice for mid-lane champions who want to roam.

Which Summoner Spell to Choose for Each Lane?

Top Lane:
Exhaust can be effective against champions like Darius, Garen, or Nasus when they try to engage on you. Ignite can also be useful against Darius to reduce his healing effects. However, Exhaust is not a good choice for Nasus since most of its benefits are already contained in his W. Teleport is often the best choice for top laners.

Mid Lane:
Exhaust is a great choice against champions like Zed, Yasuo, or Yone as it mitigates a significant amount of damage from their ultimates. This allows you to play more defensively and wait for ganks. Ignite is better for mid-laners who want to roam and secure kills on bot or top lane.

Bot Lane (ADC and Support):
ADCs rely on Heal and Ignite, depending on their support. If the support can heal frequently, Ignite is a good choice for the ADC. However, if the ADC is more focused on crowd control, Heal is a better option. Supports like Soraka, Bard, Nami, or Janna can make good use of both Ignite and Exhaust.


Exhaust and Ignite are both valuable summoner spells that can be used in different situations. Ignite is great for bursting down enemies quickly and reducing their healing effects. Exhaust is useful for chasing and escaping tight situations. Both spells remain effective throughout the game and can give your champion an advantage over enemies. Make sure to use them properly and maximize their benefits. We hope this guide helps you in your esports battles!