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Coaching in League of Legends (part 1): A Model of Excellence

The Structure of League of Legends Coaching

In order to understand the current state of League of Legends coaching in the west, it is important to have a model that covers all the necessary aspects of a professionally organized team. The model I have in mind focuses on roles, rather than positions, allowing for one person to fulfill multiple roles if necessary.

Team Owner

The team owner is responsible for the overall organization, including marketing, acquiring teams, and managing the brand. In smaller organizations, the team owner may be more involved with the teams themselves, but in larger organizations, a dedicated manager is needed for each division.

Team Manager

The team manager is the main point of contact for official business regarding a division. They are responsible for hiring staff and players, as well as handling logistics for events. The manager does not make game-related decisions, but works closely with the head coach to ensure the success of the team.

Head Coach

The head coach shapes the team’s strategic direction and has a say in the recruitment of players and analysts. They develop game plans based on the team’s strengths and weaknesses, with input from the analysts and secondary coach. The head coach focuses on macro strategy and communication within the team.

Secondary Coach/Analysts

The secondary coach, also known as the micro coach, focuses on individual player performance and improvement. They work closely with the head coach and provide information about players’ strengths and weaknesses. There are also two types of analysts: the VOD reviewer, who analyzes gameplay from other regions and opponents, and the gameplay analyst, who focuses on optimizing itemization and vision control.

Sports Psychologist

A sports psychologist helps the players with their mental well-being and resolves conflicts within the team. They can also assist with everyday tasks to help the players balance their work and personal lives.


This model provides a framework for a successful League of Legends coaching structure. It is up to the manager and head coach to create a daily schedule and practice regimen that maximizes the team’s potential.

League of Legends coaching, team owner, team manager, head coach, secondary coach, analysts, sports psychologist, role structure.