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Cloud9’s Zed pick falls short during LCS playoff match against TSM

Zed Makes Rare Appearance in LCS Match

After a two-year absence, Zed was finally played in an LCS match. Cloud9’s mid laner, Yasin “Nisqy” Dinçer, picked Zed to counter TSM’s Zoe in the 2019 LCS Spring Split semifinals. However, Zed’s impact on the game was minimal.

A Failed Gank and Early Deaths

An unsuccessful gank by Cloud9 in the mid lane resulted in first blood for TSM. Shortly after, Nisqy fell victim to TSM jungler Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham and suffered his first death.

(Link to Twitch clip:

Akaadian’s Dominance and TSM’s Victory

This turn of events led to Akaadian gaining momentum, securing kills across the map, and becoming the strongest player in the game.

TSM Takes Control

During a brief pause 22 minutes into the game, Cloud9 attempted to sneak a Baron. However, TSM caught onto their plan and eliminated Nisqy before securing the Baron themselves.

(Link to Twitch clip:

TSM capitalized on the Baron buff and pushed into Cloud9’s base. Nisqy’s desperate assassination attempt on Cho’Gath failed, allowing TSM to destroy Cloud9’s Nexus and end the game in under 26 minutes.

Zed’s Disappointing Performance

In this match, Nisqy failed to secure a single kill with Zed, resulting in a 0/3/3 scoreline. It is unlikely that Zed will be seen in the LCS again anytime soon.

This article is related to: Zed, LCS, Cloud9, TSM, Nisqy, Akaadian, Zoe, Baron pit, Cho’Gath, Nexus