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Cloud9 triumphs over TSM’s top lane Neeko for an eighth consecutive victory

Cloud9 Continues Dominance with Eighth Consecutive Win in 2019 LCS Spring Split

Cloud9 showcased their resilience in a stunning victory against TSM, securing their eighth consecutive win in the 2019 LCS Spring Split. Despite facing a monumental gold deficit and a powerful Elder Dragon and Baron combo from TSM, Cloud9 managed to find the perfect teamfight that turned the tides in their favor. (YouTube video: [insert YouTube video URL])

The Game-Changing Teamfight

“I think when Zoe ulted in, she had no flash, and then we legit all screamed ‘just kill Zoe,’ and then [Svenskeren] just went ham,” said Cloud9 mid laner Yasin “Nisqy” Dinçer, explaining C9’s game-winning teamfight. “[Svenskeren] put [Zoe] at one HP, and Licorice just flashed on her, and that’s when we knew we won the game.”

For the majority of the week six matchup, spanning 41 minutes, TSM held control over the game. By utilizing the top lane Neeko pocket pick for Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik, TSM crafted a devastating poke composition with Neeko, Zoe, and Varus. (YouTube video: [insert YouTube video URL])

A Game of Resilience

Despite TSM’s early game dominance with Broken Blade overpowering Cloud9’s top laner Eric “Licorice” Ritchie’s Aatrox, Cloud9 refused to back down. TSM secured multiple objectives, including two Barons and two Elder Dragons. However, after being on the receiving end of TSM’s attacks for 40 minutes, Cloud9 finally seized their moment and struck back without hesitation. (YouTube video: [insert YouTube video URL])

Cloud9’s Chance to Prove Themselves

With an impressive eight-game win streak, Cloud9 now sets their sights on facing Team Liquid next week. Nisqy expressed confidence in their abilities and the desire to seek revenge against Jensen, highlighting their determination to claim the title of the LCS’ best. (YouTube video: [insert YouTube video URL])

Both Nisqy and Cloud9 will have the opportunity for redemption as they go head-to-head against Team Liquid on March 9.

Cloud9, LCS Spring Split, TSM, teamfight, dominance, resilience, revenge, Team Liquid