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Cloud9 makes a surprising move with Viktor and Leona in the bot lane

Cloud9’s Unconventional Pick at Worlds 2018 Semifinals

Cloud9 is known for their unique champion pool, and their decision to lock in Viktor and Leona in the bot lane during the 2018 League of Legends World Championship semifinals against Fnatic was no exception.

While unconventional, the combination of Viktor’s AoE burst and Leona’s crowd control had potential. However, Fnatic’s skill proved to be too much for Cloud9, and they were unable to execute the strategy effectively.

Missed Opportunities and Devastating Losses

There were moments where the genius of the pick became evident. Leona’s engage and crowd control set up Viktor’s stun zone, allowing for massive AoE damage. However, this punishing combination was overshadowed by Fnatic’s strong champion, Azir.

In teamfights, by the time Viktor’s damage came online, it was too late for Cloud9. Unfortunately, their unconventional pick couldn’t compete with the power of top lane Hecarim. As a result, Fnatic emerged victorious with a 2-0 lead in the series.

Potential for Solo Queue, Limited Impact at Worlds

While the Viktor and Leona combo may not have been successful for Cloud9 at Worlds, it has the potential to make an impact in solo queue. However, it is unlikely to appear again at the championship, as it is not considered an overpowered strategy.

Cloud9’s chances of advancing to the finals are now very limited, but their unconventional pick showcased their creativity and willingness to try new strategies.

Cloud9, Worlds 2018, semifinals, unconventional pick, Viktor, Leona, Fnatic, League of Legends