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Cloud9 holds the top KDA of any LCS roster this split with only 33 team deaths

Cloud9 Dominating LCS Spring Split with Perfect Record

In just four weeks of the 2020 Spring Split, Cloud9 has proven themselves to be the top team in the LCS. They have yet to lose a single match, showcasing clean and convincing victories.

C9’s impressive performance is backed by their exceptional statistics. With only 33 deaths this season, they hold the highest KDA (Kill/Death/Assist ratio) of any Western team, standing at 4.09. The second-highest KDA belongs to Europe’s Origen, with a 1.81 KDA and 59 total team deaths.

In addition to their remarkable stats, Cloud9 dominates their matches in quick fashion, boasting the lowest average game time among all LCS teams. They consistently take down opponents within an average of 30.1 minutes. Their early game strength is a significant factor in their success, with a gold differential of over 2,400 by the 15-minute mark.

Cloud9’s objective control is also noteworthy. They maintain a 91 percent dragon control rate, successfully secure Rift Herald in 81 percent of their games, and have a perfect 100 percent rate in controlling Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon. Furthermore, they consistently become the first team to claim three towers, demonstrating their strong map control.

Cloud9’s exceptional macro play and decision-making skills set them apart in the NA region, where mid-lane sieges and fights are common strategies. Their teamfighting abilities as a unit are considered some of the best. It’s clear that Cloud9 shows no signs of slowing down and continues to dominate the competition.

You can catch Cloud9 in their upcoming matches against struggling CLG and the surging Immortals team, looking to create their own winning streak. The LCS action resumes on Saturday, Feb. 22.

Related Cloud9, LCS Spring Split, esports, dominant team, statistics, objective control, macro play, decision-making