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Cloud9 dominates the NA LCS standings with an impressive 4.98 KDA.

Cloud 9 reclaims top spot in NA LCS

Cloud 9 has emerged victorious once again in the North American League Championship Series. This season, however, they faced a tough challenge from Team SoloMid, unlike last year when they had a smooth run. The rivalry between these two teams is set to intensify as they battle for the gold in the upcoming playoffs. Cloud 9 currently holds the lead with a flawless 4-0 record for the week and the highest GPM. To catch up, TSM will need to address their fifth-place income ranking.

XDG and Evil Geniuses struggle in LCS Spring Split

The LCS Spring Split concludes with XDG finishing with a disappointing 7-21 record and the lowest gold income for the week. Evil Geniuses, on the other hand, show promise in avoiding relegation thanks to the impressive performance of Tyson “Innox” Kapler. Innox, who joined the team just before the season started, showcased his leadership skills with 16 kills and 2 deaths in the final week.

NA LCS champion picks and bans

Throughout the season, North America has favored picks like Thresh and marksmen such as Lucian. However, the ban selection has seen significant changes, with a focus on mid-lane champions like Lulu, LeBlanc, and Kha’Zix, while Kassadin has been absent. These champion picks are expected to remain similar throughout the playoffs, but there might be variations during the international competition in May at All-Stars Paris.

Cloud 9, NA LCS, TSM, playoffs, rivalry, XDG, Evil Geniuses, LCS Spring Split, champion picks, bans, Thresh, Lucian, Lulu, LeBlanc, Kha’Zix, Kassadin.