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CLG welcomes Ruin as their newest top laner

CLG Acquires Ruin as New Top Laner for 2019 LCS Summer Split

CLG has made a significant roster move in preparation for the upcoming 2019 LCS Summer Split after a disappointing season.

The organization has announced the acquisition of Kim “Ruin” Hyeong-min as the team’s new starting top laner.

“On joining CLG, I’m excited about playing in North America and the LCS,” Ruin said. “I’m looking forward to meeting NA fans and giving my best for the team and the fans. I hope you all support me.”

CLG tweet about Ruin
CLG officially welcomes Ruin as their new Top Laner.

This news follows CLG’s announcement last week that their longtime top laner, Darshan Upadhyaya, would be leaving the team. Upadhyaya expressed his willingness to play in any region and position, even as a coach.

Last split, CLG finished tied for seventh place with OpTic Gaming, falling short of the playoff race with a 7-11 record. CLG has struggled in recent years, with their last playoff appearance in 2017 and their last split win in the 2016 Spring Split.

CLG’s Current Roster and History

CLG’s roster now includes Ruin, jungler Raymond “Wiggily” Griffin, mid laner Tristan “PowerOfEvil” Schrage, ADC Trevor “Stixxay” Hayes, and support Vincent “Biofrost” Wang. Stixxay is the only remaining player from CLG’s lineup that achieved a remarkable second-place finish behind SK Telecom T1 in MSI 2016.

CLG, roster move, LCS Summer Split, Ruin, top laner, North America, LCS, CLG fans, Darshan Upadhyaya, OpTic Gaming, playoffs, past few years, Raymond “Wiggily” Griffin, Tristan “PowerOfEvil” Schrage, Trevor “Stixxay” Hayes, Vincent “Biofrost” Wang, MSI 2016, SK Telecom T1