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CLG takes a win over Echo Fox, shaking up the 4-way tie for first place in the NA LCS

CLG Upsets Echo Fox in North American LCS

CLG surprised everyone with their victory over Echo Fox in today’s North American LCS match. The game took an unexpected turn after a misplay by Echo Fox’s star player, Heo “Huni” Seung-hoon, in the top lane, allowing CLG’s Darshan Upadhyaya to secure first blood on Darius. From that point on, Huni’s Dr. Mundo struggled, resulting in a feeding spree for CLG.

Echo Fox’s troubles didn’t end there. Their bot lane, Heimerdinger and Fiddlesticks, should have provided a significant advantage but were neutralized by three CLG players who wisely brought Cleanse summoner spells. Furthermore, Echo Fox fell behind in creep score early on.

For CLG, this victory underscored their ability to close out games. While they consistently dominate the early game, their midgame teamfighting has been their downfall. But against Echo Fox, CLG excelled in fights and secured a swift victory.

Related: Inero steps down as Echo Fox head coach

Echo Fox, on the other hand, continues to struggle. Huni’s performance has been consistently poor, even on tank champions. The bot lane has also been a weak link, failing to gain advantages even in favorable matchups. The only standout player on the team is jungler Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett, but even he couldn’t carry the game on his signature Graves pick. Additionally, Echo Fox lost their head coach Nick “Inero” Smith this week, adding further uncertainty to the team’s prospects for the split.

CLG will face off against Cloud9, another formidable early-game team, in their next match. Meanwhile, Echo Fox will have to address their issues before taking on TSM.