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CLG Focused on Quarters at Worlds 2016

CLG vs G2: Clash on the Rift

After both NA’s CLG and EU’s G2 suffered losses at the start of the day, they faced off to secure their first win of the second half of groups.

The Lineup


TOP: Darshan-Poppy

JNG: Xmithie-Graves

MID: Huhi-Vladimir

ADC: Stixxay-Jhin

SUP: Aphromoo-Bard


TOP: Expect-Rumble

JNG: Trick-Olaf

MID: Perkz-Syndra

ADC: Zven-Ezreal

SUP: Mithy-Trundle


CLG: Sivir/Gnar/Jayce

G2: Aurelion Sol/Caitlyn/Nidalee

Early Game: CLG Starting Off Strong

After reaching level three, Xmithie ganked top lane where Darshan had been poking down Expect, securing an easy first blood for CLG. Xmithie and Huhi then chased Perkz towards top lane, gaining an advantage for Huhi. CLG dominated the early game by cutting off G2 and taking control of the map. Xmithie’s presence prevented Trick from getting any lanes going for G2.

Mid Game: Vision Battles and Dominate Map Control

G2 struggled to regain ground on the map as CLG outplayed them in skirmishes. Although Perkz managed to stun and ult Stixxay, Aphro saved him and CLG turned the fight for another kill. CLG consistently pushed G2 to decide between fighting back or giving up objectives. G2 attempted to fight but repeatedly lost. With a score of 9-2 in CLG’s favor and a 5k gold lead, CLG aimed to starve G2 of resources and maintain control of objectives.

Late Game: Explosive Fights Leave G2 In Ruins

CLG slowly gained ground on G2, eventually leaving them with no base. As CLG pushed into G2’s base, they secured two kills and an inhibitor. Despite their significant gold lead, CLG played cautiously. Once they managed to take down more than two or three G2 members, they made the final push and secured victory.

CLG is now 3-2 and G2 is 0-5.

What are your thoughts on the action so far today at Worlds? Let us know by commenting below or tweeting us @GAMURScom.