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CJ Entus Shy: My 2016 will be explosive

Interview with CJ Entus’ Top Laner: Shy

Interview and photo credit: Mr. Nam Yoon Sung of (FAN translation)

Recapping CJ Entus’ 2015 Season

In October of this year, CJ Entus had a disappointing season, failing to qualify for the World Championship. The team is now in their off-season, resting and preparing for the next season.

Sang-Myun “Shy” Park Reflects on 2015 Season

CJ Entus’ top laner, Shy, is not proud of his performance during the 2015 season. The team went through both winning and losing streaks and had the chance to compete in the World Championship but couldn’t overcome the obstacles they faced. Shy even had to step back midseason due to an injury and watch his replacement take his place.

Shy is embarrassed by his performance and wants to forget about the entire 2015 season.

The Saddest Moment of the Year

Shy considers the saddest moment of the year to be during the summer season of LCK, when CJ Entus lost against SK Telecom T1. The team was seeking revenge for a previous loss but ended up being heavily defeated, which affected their performance for the rest of the summer season.

A Pity for Shy

Reflecting on their performance, Shy believes that CJ Entus did well for themselves this year. They had a shaky start but improved their communication and coordination as the season progressed. However, they were disappointed to be reverse-swept in a series they could have won. It’s a pity for Shy.

In his interview, “Madlife” mentioned his worst game of the year as the match against SK Telecom T1. Shy agrees that it was one of the worst games he played as well. However, he considers the series against Jin Air during the regional qualifiers as his most disappointing game. He believes they could have won but lost due to Gangplank’s dominance in that match.

Looking Back at the Summer Season

Shy wishes he could rewind to the start of the summer season, specifically their good performance against Anarchy, KT Rolster, SBENU Sonicboom, and KOO Tigers. They were on a roll until they faced SK Telecom T1, which resulted in a devastating defeat. Shy believes that game shattered their morale and affected their performance for the rest of the season.

The Rise of Top Laners

Shy acknowledges that the top lane champions have been performing exceptionally well in the World Championship. He feels a sense of camaraderie with his fellow top laners and praises Kyung-Hwan “Marin” Chang from SK Telecom T1 as one of the standout players.

Watching the World Championship as an Audience

Although Shy wishes he could be on the stage playing, he finds joy in watching the World Championship as a spectator. He was fortunate to be one of the scrim partners for Origen and Cloud9 when they visited Korea. Shy mentions that the teams’ good performance in the group stages made it even more entertaining for him to watch.

Praises for Chang and the Top Laners’ Performance

Shy believes that the tournament patch heavily favors top lane champions. He acknowledges the great performances of the top laners, particularly in the current patch.

Memorable Moments in the World Championship

The most memorable moment for Shy was An “Balls” Le’s pentakill on Darius. He never expected it from the player he considered to be the weakest on Cloud9. It was a beautiful play.

The Best Top Laner in the World Championship

For Shy, the Korean top laners stand out the most. He specifically praises “Marin” from SK Telecom T1 for his brilliant teleports and team fight contributions. Shy believes that Marin has the ability to take charge and lead the game himself at times.

Thoughts on Darius

Shy feels that Darius is not as reliable in the professional setting compared to solo queue. Skilled top laners can easily counter Darius, and there is a risk in picking him early in the draft phase. However, if a team makes mistakes in positioning, Darius can punish them severely.

The Best Champion on Patch 5.18

Shy believes that Lulu is the best champion on the 5.18 patch. She is popular in the draft phase of the World Championship due to her versatility and utility. She also has an advantage against certain top lane matchups.

Viability of Jax in the Patch

Shy thinks that Jax has the potential to be strong but requires time for players to figure out how to use him effectively. Champions that can snowball are preferable in this patch, but Jax takes too long to ramp up and have an impact.

Personal Moments and Off-Season Activities

Shy enjoys going to karaoke during the off-season, which he didn’t have time for during the regular season. He also takes this time to treat his wrist injury and prepare for the next season.

The Origin of “Shy”

Shy chose the name because he is naturally a shy person. Before becoming a pro player, he used the handle “GoldenPo,” but he decided to change it to “Shy” because he found it to be a pretty word.

Interaction with Fans and Streaming

Streaming was initially a challenge for Shy due to his shy personality. However, after a year of streaming, he has overcome this obstacle and now enjoys interacting with his fans through AzubuTV.

Fun and Frustrating Moments

One fun moment for Shy was accidentally showing Ho-San “Space” Sun’s phone during a stream. Coach Dae-Young Son’s contact in Sun’s phone was listed as “Coach2,” disappointing Sun. Shy found it hilarious.

One frustrating moment for Shy is streaming after a loss. He sometimes doesn’t want to stream, especially after a losing streak, but fans offer support and try to cheer him up.

Opinions on AzubuTV 3.0

Shy prefers Azubu 2.0, but he believes he will get used to the new version. He likes the live stats and voting function provided by the platform.

Expectations for KeSPA Cup and the World Championship

Shy believes that teams who didn’t qualify for the World Championship will have something to prove during KeSPA Cup. He plans to play with all his might and make an impact.

Looking ahead, Shy hopes to perform well and make it to the next year’s World Championship. He wants to give it his all and leave a mark on the Korean scene.

CJ Entus, Shy, LoL World Championship, top laner, performance, disappointment, SK Telecom T1, Jin Air, pentakill, top lane champion, Darius, Lulu, Jax, streaming, AzubuTV, KeSPA Cup, World Championship