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Cho’Gath: Devourer of the Meta

The Rise of Cho’gath in the Mid Lane

The legendary Hotshotgg is known for his expertise with three champions: Nidalee, Leblanc, and Cho’gath. While the first two have been popular in the competitive scene, Cho’gath has remained dormant. But now, Cho’gath is making a comeback, proving to be a dominant force in the mid lane.

In China, Cho’gath is known as the “giant insect.” He first made his mark in the LPL as the mid laner for Team WE. What began as an experimental pick quickly became a favorite for Team King and LGD, as more teams fell victim to Cho’gath’s power. In a meta dominated by high-mobility assassins, Cho’gath stood strong, farming and consuming his way to victory.

Domination through Consuming

According to Tabe, an analyst from the LPL, there is no counter to Cho’gath in lane. His passive ability allows him to continuously regenerate health and mana, making it difficult for opponents to poke him out of lane. Cho’gath’s abilities also allow him to control minion waves and clear them quickly. In team fights, Cho’gath’s crowd control and burst damage make him a formidable opponent.

Although assassins struggle against Cho’gath, low mobility mages are also at a disadvantage. Cho’gath can punish them for mispositioning and quickly take them down. With his ultimate ability, Feast, Cho’gath can deal a massive amount of true damage to enemy champions and secure objectives like Dragon and Baron.

Weaknesses and Team Play

However, Cho’gath does have weaknesses that prevent him from becoming overpowered. His laning phase can be challenging, as his skill shots are not easy to land and he lacks mobility. Cho’gath must be cautious in his build order and coordinate well with his team to maximize his effectiveness in team fights.

Cho’gath is not a core pick but rather a reinforcement for a team composition. He works best when paired with engage-heavy champions and serves as a secondary threat in engaging, tanking, and dealing damage.

Cho’gath’s Place in Competitive Play

The changes to objectives in Season 5 have favored Cho’gath, giving him more time to farm and reach his power spikes. In the LPL, teams like Team King and LGD have found success with Cho’gath by using him strategically in pick compositions and as part of a triple threat carry system.

While Cho’gath may not become a popular pick in the LCS, he offers a unique playstyle and strategic options for teams who can effectively utilize his strengths and minimize his weaknesses.

Cho’gath, mid lane, competitive play, LPL, team composition, power spikes, objectives