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Champions Aurelion Sol, Shyvana, and others to receive buffs in Patch 9.2

League of Legends Patch 9.2 introduces new buffs for champions, items, runes, and turrets

Riot Games wants to bring some excitement to the junglers by buffing Shyvana and Jarvan IV in Patch 9.2. Shyvana’s passive and Flame Breath ability buffs will enhance her ability to kill drakes and shred tanks. Jarvan IV will receive more bonus attack speed from his Demacian Standard aura.

Aurelion Sol and the mid lane

Aurelion Sol’s Starsurge ability will receive buffs in Patch 9.2. Its recast time has been reduced from 0.65 to 0.25 seconds, allowing Aurelion Sol to quickly stun opponents. Additionally, the stun duration of Starsurge will now scale with its time on the map, rewarding players who hit opponents with long-range stars.

Volibear, Yorick, and the top lane

Volibear and Yorick will both receive buffs in the top lane. While Volibear’s damage boosts on Majestic Roar and Thunder Claws may not be impressive, Yorick’s buffs aim to make him a more dangerous split pusher.

The health scaling of Yorick’s maiden, which is summoned by his Eulogy of the Isles ultimate, will be improved in the late game. This, along with the removal of her damage decrease when away from Yorick, will make the maiden a formidable tool for taking down turrets in a side lane.

Item and rune changes

The only item receiving a buff in Patch 9.2 is Sunfire Cape, which will have its price lowered from 2,900 to 2,750 gold. However, Sunfire Cape still needs more improvements to become popular compared to other defensive items like Righteous Glory and Gargoyle Stoneplate.

Some runes will also receive buffs in Patch 9.2. Riot aims to make Legend: Bloodline and the defensive stat rune more viable with these changes.

Turret changes

Inhibitor and Nexus turrets will now have late-game resistances at all points of the game. This change makes it harder for split pushers to end the game quickly if they become fed during the laning phase.

These buffs will be implemented in Summoner’s Rift on Jan. 24 when Patch 9.2 goes live.

League of Legends, Patch 9.2, buffs, champions, items, runes, turrets, junglers, Shyvana, Jarvan IV, Aurelion Sol, Volibear, Yorick, mid lane, top lane, split pusher, Summoner’s Rift, gameplay