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Champion Changes in League Patch 13.2: Annie, Zoe, and Orianna Gain Buffs; Marksmen Receive Mana Boosts

League of Legends Patch 13.2: Three Mages Getting Buffs

Summoners playing the latest patch of League of Legends have witnessed some champions rising in relevance while others have struggled to find their place in the evolving meta. However, in Patch 13.2, Riot Games’ developers will be giving attention to three mages.

In a recent announcement, lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison outlined the upcoming changes to the game, including buffs for Annie, Orianna, and Zoe.

All three champions currently have a win rate of just under 50 percent, with Annie having the highest at 49.75 percent, according to U.GG, a League stats aggregate website.

Phroxzon also mentioned that the developers are facing challenges in balancing mages because the issues require more than small patches can provide. However, Riot may release more in-depth work on the role later in the year to find a better fit for mages in both competitive play and solo queue.

“Mages are still frequently picked in pro play, which makes it difficult to buff them. But there are factors in the solo queue environment that make them challenging to play effectively, similar to ADC (Attack Damage Carry),” said Phroxzon. “We expect that fighter nerfs will help mages in the short term, but we have nothing bigger to share yet.”

Additionally, in Patch 13.2, numerous AD carries will receive mana buffs to address their ongoing mana pool issues. Champions like Ashe, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Jhin, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Senna, Sivir, Twitch, and Xayah will all see some form of buff to their base mana, mana regeneration, and more.

Patch 13.2 for League of Legends is set to be released on Wednesday, Jan. 25.

Related League of Legends, LoL, Patch 13.2, mages, buffs, champions, Riot Games, summoners, balance, meta, win rate, U.GG, pro play, ADC, fighter nerfs, AD carries, mana buffs