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Champion buffs in League’s Patch 10.2: Sona, Lulu, and Karma

Riot Games is Buffing Support Champions in League of Legends Patch 10.2

Riot Games is strengthening support champions in the upcoming League of Legends Patch 10.2. Sona, Lulu, and Karma will all be receiving buffs.

The Relevance of Support Champions in the 2020 Season

This season, top and mid lane champions have been dominating the meta, while support champions have taken a back seat. While there have been a few exceptions, the impact of the support role has been underwhelming.

Riot’s Efforts to Restore the Strength of Support Champions

Riot Games aims to counter the decline of support champions and bring them back into a stronger position. To achieve this, they are implementing buffs for some of the most iconic supports.

Changes to Sona, Lulu, and Karma

Sona – Sona, currently having the highest win rate among the three champions, will see changes to her Song of Celerity (E) ability. Her haste percentage for allies will increase from 10 to 14 (+3 percent/100AP) to 10 to 16 (+4 percent/100AP). Additionally, her personal haste will increase from 10 to 14 (+3 percent/100AP) to 25 percent (+4 percent/100AP). These changes will make her faster, enhancing her ability to reposition during teamfights and roam for mid lane ganks. It will also improve her safety in the bot lane, making it easier for her to escape from potential ganks.

Lulu – Lulu, currently having a 49-percent win rate in Platinum and above, will receive minor improvements to her base stats. Her armor will increase from 28.22 to 29 and her AD from 46.368 to 47. The most significant change will be the reduction of her Help, Pix! (E) ability cooldown from 10 to eight seconds. This will enable Lulu to trade effectively in lane, absorb more damage, and deal significant damage to her enemies in the early stages of the game. It will also enhance her supportive capabilities in the late game, allowing her to buff her AD carry more frequently.

Karma – Karma faced a significant setback in September 2019 when her AP ratio on Inner Flame (Q) was reduced from 60 to 40 percent. This change was intended to shift her away from the mid lane and establish her as a support champion. However, it did not have the desired effect, and she quickly became less prominent in the meta. With a 48-percent win rate and rare appearances in solo queue, Riot aims to boost Karma’s standings by increasing the damage of her Q ability from a range of 80 to 260 to a range of 90 to 270. Additionally, the damage of her Focused Resolve (W) ability will increase from a range of 30 to 130 to a range of 40 to 140. These adjustments won’t make her a mid laner again but will enhance her performance in the bottom side of the map, granting her more lane dominance.

Release Date for Patch 10.2 Changes

All of the changes mentioned above are expected to be released on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

Keywoards: Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 10.2, support champions, Sona, Lulu, Karma, buffs, meta, relevance, abilities, changes, win rate, base stats, cooldown reduction, damage increase, release date