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Champion balance changes in Patch 12.23 leave Mordekaiser and Syndra significantly impacted

League of Legends Patch 12.23: Nerfs Incoming for Mordekaiser and Syndra

In an upcoming update for League of Legends, several champions will be receiving nerfs on the Summoner’s Rift. Lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison has provided a detailed patch preview, highlighting the changes, including the impact on Mordekaiser in the jungle.

Syndra, who has been dominating the mid lane, will also face some adjustments.

Mordekaiser has been a popular choice among junglers in the recent patch. According to U.GG, he boasts the second-highest win rate among champions in Platinum and above ranks.

To address this, Mordekaiser’s passive ability will only activate on large monsters, instead of all monsters. Additionally, the passive’s damage to monsters will be significantly reduced in the early game. The damage will now increase with the champion’s level and start at 28 damage, instead of the previous cap of 180.

Syndra, on the other hand, has a high presence in the mid lane, with the third-most games played among platinum and higher ranked players. She also boasts a 51 percent win rate, making her one of the strongest picks in the role currently.

To balance her effective damage, Riot will be nerfing Syndra’s Force of Will ability’s bonus damage, decreasing Scatter the Weak ability’s ability power ratio, and increasing the cooldown by a couple of seconds.

Additionally, there will be minor nerfs to Yuumi, Shyvana, Trundle, and Lillia. Yuumi will receive early-game passive cooldown increase and a decrease in the root duration of her ultimate ability. Shyvana’s Flame Breath will have a minor damage nerf, Trundle will have reduced base attack speed and late-game ultimate damage, and Lillia’s Blooming Blows will have a significant decrease in late-game damage.

In terms of items, Ravenous Hydra will receive some adjustments. It will deal less splash damage and have reduced omnivamp.

Patch 12.23 is set to release on Wednesday, December 7th.

Related keywords: League of Legends, Patch 12.23, nerfs, Mordekaiser, Syndra, champions, jungle, mid lane, junglers, passive, damage, win rate, gameplay, Yuumi, Shyvana, Trundle, Lillia, Force of Will, Scatter the Weak, Flame Breath, Blooming Blows, Ravenous Hydra, update