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Challenger Focus: Winter Highlighted

Challenger Spotlight: Meet Olivier “Winter” Lapointe

Olivier “Winter” Lapointe, an 18-year-old support player from Quebec, is the focus of this installment of Challenger Spotlight. Winter has played for various challenger teams, including a brief period with Cloud9 Challenger in late 2015. Let’s learn more about his journey in the competitive scene.

Getting Connected in the Local League Scene

Winter is not as actively involved with the Quebec League scene anymore, but he used to participate in LANs with his friends for fun. Although he no longer follows the scene closely, Winter still occasionally checks in to see what’s happening.

Differences Between NA and EUW Servers

Winter tried playing on the EUW server due to queue time issues on the NA server. While the ping was higher in EUW (100 to 120ms), Winter found the gameplay to be similar. However, he noticed that EUW players tended to be more toxic and tryhard a little bit more compared to NA.

Cloud9 Challenger Experience

Winter briefly played on the Cloud9 Challenger team, but he didn’t feel comfortable with the roster at that time. He decided to quit because he believed that if he wasn’t comfortable, he couldn’t play at his full potential. Although he didn’t learn much from the experience, he regrets leaving the team without giving them enough time to find a new support.

NA Support Talent vs. Imported Players

Winter believes that NA has talented support players and there is no need to import supports. However, many teams may hesitate to import supports due to language barriers, especially since supports often serve as shotcallers. Communication difficulties can lead to misunderstandings and impact gameplay.

Rise of Mage Supports

Mage supports made a significant impact during MSI, bringing more balance to the support role. Ranged supports have counter advantages against many melee champions. While melee supports still have their place in certain matchups, the meta is shifting towards more ranged supports.

Adapting to the Meta

Winter doesn’t have a strong preference for one type of support over another. He has expanded his champion pool to adapt to the current meta. He is glad to see the return of ranged/utility/mage supports, as he enjoyed playing those champions in the past and appreciates meta changes that keep the game interesting.

Changes in Support Playstyle

The recent patches have influenced support gameplay, particularly in terms of itemization. Winter prefers taking Aegis, going for Athene’s, and then finishing Banner or Locket. This item path allows for quick CDR stacking, eliminating the need for Lucidity boots. Mage and healer/shielder supports benefit from the changes, as they can build AP items and still maintain high CDR.

A Strong Team Asset

Winter believes he would be a valuable addition to any team. He is a mechanically skilled support who can make clutch plays with CC champions. He can also adapt to playing both melee and ranged supports, boasting a diverse champion pool. Winter is a fast learner, a good teammate, and is highly motivated to achieve success in NACS and hopefully make it to LCS.

Inspired by Aphromoo and Adrian

Winter looks up to Aphromoo and Adrian as his role models. Aphromoo’s mechanical skills and engaging plays inspire Winter, while Adrian’s cautious playstyle and focus on protecting the ADC resonate with him. Winter strives to combine both styles to become a versatile support player.

Motivated to Succeed

Winter is motivated to play competitively to prove himself right. He wants to show that his sacrifices and dedication were worth it, despite the doubts he faced. Winter is also excited to face off against top players and learn from their skills and experiences.

Finding Room to Improve

Winter believes that League of Legends is a game where there is always room for improvement. He encourages players to identify their weaknesses and work on them, as staying stagnant will only lead to the same results.

Thank You and Good Luck

Thank you to Winter for taking the time to share his experiences. Follow him on Twitter @TheWinterLoL and check out his Twitch and channels. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!

Related keywords: Winter, Challenger player, Quebec, competitive gaming, support role, Cloud9 Challenger, NA and EUW servers, support meta, mage supports, ranged/utility/mage vs. melee/tanky/initiator, changes in support playstyle, aspiring pro player, League of Legends.