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Cassiopeia, Kassadin, and other mid lane champions face further nerfs on the PBE

League of Legends Patch 9.2: Nerfs Incoming for Popular Mid Laners

League of Legends Patch 9.2 is set to introduce some significant changes to the game’s balance, especially for mid laners. Champions like Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Brand, and more are about to face nerfs to their damage and cooldowns. If you’ve been keeping up with League of Legends lately, you’re probably well aware of why these nerfs are necessary. These champions have been dominating the meta, and these changes are expected to have a ripple effect on the overall meta as well.

One of the most notable changes is for Cassiopeia, as her Miasma’s damage and cooldown are being lowered. Although she doesn’t usually prioritize maxing this ability, the nerf is still significant. Kassadin’s alterations are primarily adjustments to the changes that were already on the PBE, resulting in further reductions to his armor and armor scaling. This will make him more vulnerable to AD counters, expanding the list of champions that can counter him effectively.

Another substantial change is being made to Brand, specifically to his passive ability. The percentage of maximum health damaged by his passive is being lowered from four to three percent. While this may not seem like a significant amount, it can add up over the course of a game and result in a substantial loss of damage for Brand.

Galio is also receiving nerfs on the PBE, including reductions in AP scaling, base damage for his tornado ability, and increased mana cost. These changes will noticeably weaken his laning phase. However, it’s important to note that these changes are still undergoing testing and may not be final.

All of these changes, along with others, are slated to arrive with Patch 9.2 next week.

League of Legends, Patch 9.2, mid laners, balance, nerfs, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Brand, Galio, meta