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Can Gangplank’s Orange (W) Counter Zed’s Ult?

Gangplank and Zed: Can Gangplank’s W Remove Zed’s Ultimate?

Gangplank is a fun and powerful champion, known for his unique ability to eat oranges to remove disables and heal himself. But can Gangplank’s W ability remove Zed’s ultimate? Let’s find out!

Unfortunately, Gangplank’s W cannot remove Zed’s ultimate. It only works against disabling spells like stuns, roots, and slows. However, it can still heal you for a portion of your HP.

If you’ve recently watched Tobias Fate and want to try out Gangplank for yourself, we’ll show you what he does and how to play him better. We’ll also list down the spells that Gangplank’s W can remove.

Table of Content
– What Does Gangplank Do?
– What Does Gangplank’s W Remove?

What Does Gangplank Do?

Gangplank has several abilities that make him a strong champion. His Q allows him to shoot a single target with his gun, dealing damage and even critting for more damage. This ability is great for poking enemies and can be used to explode barrels.

Speaking of barrels, Gangplank’s E ability allows him to place barrels on the ground that can be exploded with his auto attack or Q. These barrels can critically strike and deal massive damage.

Gangplank’s W is his strongest ability, as it allows him to remove crowd control effects like stuns, roots, slows, and suppressions. This gives him the freedom to move around without being disabled.

Finally, Gangplank’s R is a global ultimate that calls for a cannon barrage, damaging enemies and slowing them down. It can be upgraded for additional effects.

What Does Gangplank’s W Remove?

Gangplank’s W can remove various crowd control effects, such as blind, forced action (like charm or taunt), cripple, disarm, drowsiness and sleep, ground, root, silence, slow, stun, and suppression. It can also remove summoner spells like ignite, exhaust, chilling smite, and challenging smite.

Gangplank’s W is a powerful ability that can turn the tide of a fight if used correctly. It can even remove abilities like Malzahar’s ultimate, which cleanse cannot do. Additionally, Gangplank’s W can instantly end Mordekaiser’s ultimate, rendering it useless against him.

In conclusion, while Gangplank’s W cannot remove Zed’s ultimate, it still has many uses and can be a game-changer in the right situations. Don’t underestimate the power of the pirate!