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Can G2’s Experience Provide an Advantage against MAD Lions in the LEC Playoffs?

The Concept of a Playoff Buff: G2 and MAD Lions Clash in LEC Playoffs

In the world of esports, there is a common belief that certain teams perform better in high-pressure playoff settings. G2, a dominant team in the LEC, has often been praised for their playoff buff. On the other hand, MAD Lions have struggled to deliver under pressure. However, the first week of the 2021 LEC Spring Split playoffs has challenged these conventional notions.

MAD Lions showcased an impressive performance against Rogue, a formidable opponent, while G2 had a closer series against Schalke, a weaker team. This contradicts the expectation that experience or a playoff buff guarantees success. The playoffs are the first event played on stage in a year, further intensifying the pressure. MAD Lions seem unfazed by the nerves, while G2 has shown signs of hesitation.

Stats and Bot Lane Matchup

MAD Lions exhibited a strong playstyle in their series against Rogue, with impressive objective control. They secured a high percentage of Rift Heralds and Barons, reflecting their confident decision-making and map control. On the other hand, G2’s performance was less decisive, with poor dragon and Baron control and longer game times.

In terms of bot lane matchups, the bottom lanes of both teams have their strengths. MAD Lions’ Carzzy and Kaiser have been consistently performing, with Kaiser being instrumental in teamfight victories. Carzzy showcased exceptional damage per minute (DPM) in their series against Rogue. G2’s Rekkles and Mikyx, widely considered the strongest bottom lane in the league, have delivered outstanding performances, with Rekkles leading in kills and KDA.

The Battle and Potential Upsets

When these two bot lanes face off, it is expected to be an evenly-matched showdown. The matchups in the regular season were balanced, and both teams have shown their willingness to prioritize objectives and team play over individual lane dominance. Revenge is also on G2’s mind after their earlier defeat against MAD Lions.

MAD Lions have strengthened their roster, with jungler Elyoya making a strong impression as a rookie. They have the potential to upset G2 once again. Draft strategy will play a crucial role in the series, as both teams have shown creativity in their picks. The experience of G2 may not be enough to secure victory against the hungry MAD Lions.

An Exciting Series Ahead

The upcoming series between G2 and MAD Lions promises to be one of the closest and most intense matchups in the 2021 LEC Spring Split playoffs. Whether it’s Wunder carrying the game or Carzzy dominating as Jinx, both teams have the ability to deliver thrilling performances. Don’t miss the live broadcast of the games on April 3 at 10am CT.