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Can Fnatic defeat the G2 Esports powerhouse in their inaugural clash of the 2019 LEC Summer Split?

Fnatic and G2 Clash in Battle of Titans

In the LEC Summer Split, G2 Esports and Fnatic are dominating the competition with both teams going 4-0 in the first two weeks. However, after their upcoming matchup in week three, only one team will remain undefeated. The clash between these European giants is highly anticipated, with G2 being the clear favorite.

G2 Esports is considered one of the best teams in the world, having achieved remarkable success in recent tournaments. They effortlessly won the 2019 Spring Split, brought home the MSI 2019 trophy, and are now aiming for consecutive LEC championships.

Meanwhile, Fnatic has shown tremendous growth since the start of the year. Despite losing their star mid laner, they have found their rhythm as a team. However, they still have a long way to go to surpass G2. Will Fnatic be able to dethrone G2 or will G2 dominate their opponents once again?

Weathering the Storm

G2 is known for their aggressive playstyle, often finishing matches in under 20 minutes. On the other hand, Fnatic excels in the later stages of the game, especially with their AD carry, Martin “Rekkles” Larsson. For Fnatic to succeed, they must survive G2’s early game pressure, particularly from their jungler, Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski. G2’s ability to make cross-map plays and snowball the match makes them a formidable opponent.

If Fnatic can withstand G2’s aggression for the first 20 minutes, they stand a chance at upsetting the reigning champions.

G2’s Unpredictable Drafting

G2’s versatility in champion picks is a major advantage. They are known for their unpredictable drafting strategy, making it difficult for opponents to counter them. Fnatic must stay focused on their own strategy and not be lured into G2’s fast-paced game.

David vs. Goliath

Despite Fnatic’s improvements, it is unlikely that they will defeat G2 at this point in the season. With G2’s talented roster and their ability to exploit any weaknesses, Fnatic would need an extraordinary effort to secure a victory. The key for Fnatic lies in their jungler, Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen, who plays a crucial role in controlling the tempo of the game.

G2 Esports, Fnatic, LEC, clash, undefeated, rivalry, aggressive playstyle, unpredictable drafting, dominant team