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Can FlyQuest halt TSM’s momentum towards the NA LCS Finals?

TSM is dominating the North American League Championship Series. They have two standout players, Bjergsen and Hauntzer, and have consistently made it to the playoffs every year. They are not going to repeat the mistakes of last year’s Immortals.

This Sunday, TSM is expected to continue their winning streak against FlyQuest. FlyQuest barely made it to the playoffs and needed a reverse sweep to advance. They may struggle against TSM, who are experienced and talented.

FlyQuest’s Challenge

FlyQuest heavily relies on Hai Lam and Moon Holgate to carry the team. However, as the season progressed, Hai’s performance declined. Teams have adapted to his roaming style and his impact on side lanes has decreased. Moon has stepped up in recent weeks and has become the main carry for FlyQuest.

If FlyQuest wants a chance against TSM, Moon needs to outperform Svenskeren in the jungle. Svenskeren is a mechanically strong jungler, but he can be predictable in his playstyle. Moon needs to take advantage of this and apply pressure by being unpredictable. FlyQuest also needs to have good vision control and set up opportunities for Moon to carry the team.

TSM’s Continued Success

TSM doesn’t need to make any major changes to their strategy. They have the advantage in all three lanes and better vision control compared to FlyQuest. The only thing TSM needs to be wary of is overconfidence. They may have lost more games than Cloud9 this split, but their ability to adapt is unmatched.

Svenskeren can play Lee Sin, a versatile champion that can escape sticky situations. FlyQuest may consider banning Lee Sin to limit Svenskeren’s options. In teamfights, TSM needs to be cautious of Hai’s burst potential and play patiently. They should trust their teamwork and not fall into FlyQuest’s bold and risky strategies.

It will be a tough challenge for FlyQuest to defeat TSM, but the possibility of an upset makes it even more exciting.