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Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

The matchup between CLG and Echo Fox in week three of the NA LCS season was highly anticipated as a potential playoff preview.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

CLG, a regular presence in the postseason, was expected to do well with their revamped roster. Echo Fox, on the other hand, has exceeded expectations and currently sits in first place in our power rankings.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

However, CLG has had a rough start to the season and only recently secured their first victory. They have struggled to perform and are looking for a defining win against a top team like Echo Fox to turn their season around.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

But the question remains: how can they achieve this?

All eyes on top lane

CLG’s Darshan Upadhyaya has been a key player for the team and has been praised for his determination and split pushing skills. However, CLG’s playstyle has become predictable over the years, and they need to innovate and adapt to continue succeeding.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

This year, Darshan’s preference for carries and Reignover’s focus on the top lane have resulted in impressive laning stats for Darshan. If CLG wants to have a chance against Echo Fox, Darshan and Reignover need to outperform Huni and Dardoch in the top lane.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

This won’t be an easy task, but it has been done before. Darshan and CLG were able to defeat Huni and Reignover when they were teammates on Immortals. If Darshan can gain an advantage early on, CLG will have a fighting chance.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

Hang on everywhere else

CLG’s success this season has been hindered by the performance of their other teammates. Huhi’s unconventional picks have not been successful, and Reignover has made mistakes that have cost the team advantages. The bot lane, consisting of Biofrost and Stixxay, also needs to step up their game.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

Stixxay’s involvement in kills is significantly lower than other players in the league, indicating that CLG’s overall performance suffers as a result. For CLG to defeat Echo Fox, they need a solid performance from Stixxay, Huhi, and Reignover while they wait for Darshan to scale.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

CLG has been experimenting with different strategies to improve their gameplay, but they may find comfort in the current meta that favors stalling and strategic play. Sometimes, relying on old tricks can give a team a second chance.

Can CLG pull off a victory tomorrow against Echo Fox?

CLG, Echo Fox, NA LCS, playoffs, Darshan Upadhyaya, split push, top lane, Huni, Dardoch, Reignover, Huhi, Biofrost, Stixxay, Caitlyn, gameplay, meta