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Can Bots Successfully Secure Dragon Soul? LoL Players Investigate

Can Bots Secure Dragon Soul in League of Legends?

In the game League of Legends, players strive to win lanes, take towers, and fight for objectives like dragons and the Baron, with the ultimate goal of destroying the enemy’s Nexus. While the Summoner’s Rift can be a challenging and tense environment, it also offers opportunities to discover new things, such as placing wards over walls and learning nifty tricks.

League explorer LimboMoose1289 recently posed an interesting question on Reddit: Can bots secure Dragon Soul in League?

LimboMoose1289 wanted to know if bots could achieve this without exploiting bugs, regardless of difficulty level, number of bots, or the champion being played.

Although there isn’t much information available about the programming of AI bots in League, it is known that they do not typically play the jungle role. So, if you’re looking for bots, you’re less likely to find them there. Intermediate bots are more advanced and will switch lanes if necessary. They will also chase you if you leave your lane or try to escape from fights.

Given this information, some players have suggested leading bots to the jungle to fight around the dragon, potentially resulting in its demise at the hands of a bot, especially if there is area-of-effect damage. Others have proposed that a bot may be able to steal Dragon Soul using a Zilean bomb.

However, it seems that, for now, bots will not intentionally secure Dragon Soul. This hasn’t deterred players from attempting it, though.

Perhaps Riot Games developers will take notice of the theory-crafting happening on the League thread and decide to enhance the Co-op vs. AI games in the future, giving their bots the motivation to take dragons and eventually Dragon Soul.

But for now, the Dragon Soul is all yours to claim in every game.