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Can a Yuumi rework heal long-standing animosity among League fans?

Riot Games Announces Full Rework for Controversial League of Legends Champion

Riot Games has listened to the requests of League of Legends players and has decided to rework Yuumi, the game’s most polarizing champion.

Yuumi, who was introduced in 2019, has consistently been one of the most disliked champions in the League of Legends roster. Her purely defensive and passive playstyle has led to the perception that she is boring to play as and against. Many players have become frustrated with how easily Yuumi players can control the game while doing minimal work compared to other support champions.

The dislike towards Yuumi has grown over the years, with many players even calling for her deletion. However, Riot rejected those calls and instead chose to address the issue with a rework.

Riot acknowledges the frustrations that players have with Yuumi. The developer believes that her complex playstyle, combined with her frequent untargetability, has been a major source of frustration. Players often find it challenging to take her out of the equation when she detaches from one champion and quickly reattaches to another.

One of the main reasons for Yuumi’s unpopularity is that she plays very differently from other champions in the game. She focuses on defensive and supportive actions, which can be unexciting for both players facing her and those playing as her.

The goal of the rework is to make Yuumi an easy-to-learn Enchanter who focuses on protecting and enhancing her allies. Riot wants to reduce the frustrating elements of her gameplay while retaining the core aspects that her players enjoy.

Yuumi has also been a difficult champion to balance for Riot, especially at the professional level. Pro players have discovered strategies that make her even harder to punish and maximize her healing potential.

The rework is still in the early stages, and Riot plans to share more details about the changes in 2023. Players can expect adjustments that will make Yuumi more engaging to play, while still maintaining her skill cap for experienced players.

Overall, Riot’s decision to rework Yuumi is a response to the community’s discontent and the desire for a more balanced and enjoyable champion.

Riot Games, League of Legends, Yuumi, rework, champion, support, gameplay