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C9 Breaks Losing Streak: First Group Stage Victory for NA at Worlds 2022

Cloud9 Secures Victory against Fnatic at League of Legends Worlds 2022

Cloud9, the latest LCS champions, achieved their first win at the 2022 League of Legends World Championship today by defeating their long-time rivals, Fnatic.

NA vs EU Matchup

The day started with a highly anticipated showdown between NA’s Cloud9 and EU’s Fnatic. Cloud9 dominated the game from the beginning, securing first blood in the bot lane with a well-executed counter gank from Blaber.

Cloud9’s Strong Performance

Cloud9 continued to build their lead throughout the game, with Blaber consistently countering Fnatic’s ganks and providing kills for his team. The NA team’s lead grew with each fight, and Blaber ensured that his carries received the necessary resources to become unstoppable forces.

Cloud9 Takes Control

After 15 minutes, Cloud9 secured their first turret and maintained CS advantages in all lanes. Additionally, they obtained the first two drakes, leaving Fnatic 4,000 gold behind. Cloud9 didn’t stop there and went on to claim Fnatic’s tier-one turrets and take the first tier-two turret for NA in the Worlds 2022 group stage.

Fnatic’s Struggles

Fnatic struggled with teamfight coordination and made mistakes that allowed Cloud9 to further extend their lead. The European team found themselves over 10,000 gold and 10 kills behind in just 25 minutes. Cloud9 sealed their victory with a rapid final move after securing their second Baron of the game.

Cloud9’s Road to Knockout Stage

Although Cloud9 still has a chance to advance to the knockout stage, they will need to win all their remaining games today and potentially a tiebreaker. Their next match is against EDG, while Fnatic will face off against T1.

Related keywords: Cloud9, League of Legends Worlds 2022, LCS champions, Fnatic, NA vs EU, Blaber, drakes, turret.