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Building on Akshan – Complete Guide for Season 13!

Akshan: An AD Champion in League of Legends Season 13

Akshan is a champion in League of Legends who primarily deals Attack Damage (AD). His abilities scale with AD and deal physical damage, except for part of his passive which applies magic damage on-hit. Akshan is classified as a marksman champion and has unique abilities such as reviving allies and potentially staying permanently camouflaged. However, playing him in Mid or Top lane poses a challenge for Riot in terms of balancing.

Is Full AD Akshan Worth It in LoL S13?

To play Akshan effectively and win, it is essential to build him with AD marksmen items. Building Ability Power (AP) or tank items is not recommended since Akshan cannot make good use of them. His typical AD build offers high damage and allows him to burst squishy champions, as well as fight bruisers and mages. Although assassins pose a threat to Akshan, he remains strong in Season 13 with a consistent win rate of over 50%.

How Do You Play Full AD Akshan in LoL S13?

To play Akshan with a full AD build, it is recommended to use the following runes:

  • Press the Attack for extra damage on every 3rd auto-attack
  • Triumph or Presence of Mind for survivability
  • Legend: Bloodline for lifesteal
  • Coup de grace or Cut down for additional damage
  • Shield Bash and Bone plating as secondary choices for top lane
  • Celerity and Gathering Storm as secondary choices for mid lane

For items, the following build order is recommended:

  • Shieldbow or Kraken Slayer for survivability or raw damage
  • Berserker’s Greaves for extra attack speed
  • Blade of The Ruined King for on-hit current health damage
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade for enhanced on-hit effects and attack speed
  • Wits End for MR against mages and additional on-hit damage
  • Lord Dominik’s Regards for armor penetration

Additional items can be chosen based on the situation, such as Mercurial Scimitar, Infinity Edge, Mortal Reminder, Rapidfire Cannon, Stormrazor, Bloodthirster, Guardian Angel, Death’s Dance, and Maw of Malmortius.

What Lane is Akshan?

Akshan is primarily designed for Mid lane, followed by Top lane. Playing him as an ADC in the Bot lane is not ideal as he does not function like a regular ADC. Top laners usually struggle against ranged champions, making it easier to abuse them. However, Akshan mid can have a greater impact than Akshan top.

When to Pick Akshan this Season?

Akshan is best picked into shorter ranged champions who lack burst damage. In the mid lane, champions like Ziggs, Kassadin, or LeBlanc are favorable matchups. In the top lane, champions like Gwen, Gnar, or Garen can be easily dealt with. It is also important to consider team composition and ensure that your team has some form of AP damage. Akshan is not effective against high-CC or targeted CC champions.

Final Thoughts

To utilize Akshan and his unique kit effectively, it is essential to build him with AD items. Building AP or tank items on him is not recommended. Learning how to play against Akshan is important to avoid being caught off guard. Overall, Akshan is a strong champion in Season 13 and can be a force to be reckoned with when played correctly.