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Buffed Zyra plants and Lissandra passive shine as top winners in early LoL Patch 13.14

Riot Games has been working hard on the upcoming League of Legends Patch 13.14, which will include buffs for several champions. Among those receiving buffs are Aatrox, Diana, Lissandra, Shaco, Shyvana, Volibear, Xerath, and Zyra.

Zyra and Lissandra, in particular, will receive extensive changes in this patch. These changes will enhance their abilities and make them even more effective on the Rift.

Zyra’s Plants Get an Upgrade

Several buffs are coming to Zyra’s kit in Patch 13.14. These include improvements to her plant damage, Rampage Growth (W), Grasping Roots (E), and Stranglethorns (R).

  • Plant damage taken from AoE spells has been reduced from four to three.
  • Plant damage taken from ranged auto attacks has been increased from four to five.
  • Plant damage to monsters has been changed from 150% to non-epic monsters to 40 to 100 bonus magic damage (scaling with level) to all monsters.
  • Seeds on the first rank-up of Rampant Growth (W) have increased from one to two.
  • Grasping Roots (E) no longer locks out flash during the cast.
  • The Cast Paradigm for Stranglethorns (R) has been changed from Wall to Position to Casts at Max Range.
  • Missile Damage Update Cadence for Stranglethorns (R) has been changed from four seconds to 16 seconds.

These changes to Zyra’s kit will modernize her plants and make them more valuable for supports.

Lissandra Gets Stronger Abilities

Lissandra will also receive buffs to her abilities in Patch 13.14. These buffs include improvements to her Iceborn Subjugation (Passive), Ice Shard (Q), and Frozen Tomb (R).

  • Her Passive no longer stops at the final frames before detonation.
  • Her Passive will follow enemies into the brush if they are being chased.
  • Her Passive thralls will be revealed to enemies through Fog of War.
  • Ice Shard (Q) will slow all enemies hit, not just the first enemy.
  • The missile cast for Ice Shard (Q) will be after the cast, not before.
  • Frozen Tomb (R) will have an increased heal amount and a changed AoE damage and slow update cadence.
  • The logic around stopping dashes with Frozen Tomb (R) has been updated.

These buffs will make Lissandra more formidable in fights and add new opportunities for damage and crowd control.

Other Champions Getting Buffed

Other champions in Patch 13.14 will also receive buffs:

  • Aatrox: Buffs to Q damage, AD damage ratio, and damage to minions.
  • Diana: Buffs to W shield strength, damage per orb’s AP percentage, and E’s AP ratio.
  • Shaco: Buffs to Q’s AD bonus damage, backstab’s bonus crit, and fixes for R and Prowler’s Claw passive to Clone.
  • Shyvana: Buffs to Q’s ratio and increased attack speed, and increased Mark damage on hit for E.
  • Volibear: Buffs to Passive AP ratio and W’s missing health heal.
  • Xerath: Mana reduction, changes to passive’s cooldown and recast, decrease in R’s damage and additional AP percentage, and bonus damage for hitting multiple champions.

These buffs will help improve the performance of these champions in the current League meta.

These changes will go live on July 19 with the release of Patch 13.14. It will be interesting to see how they impact the game.

Riot Games, League of Legends, Patch 13.14, champions, buffs, Zyra, Lissandra, abilities, changes, performance, meta