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Briar Receives Urgent League of Legends Update to Strengthen Her Resilience

League of Legends Briar gets Emergency Update after Poor Performance

League of Legends has released its newest champion, Briar, who has struggled to make an impact on Summoner’s Rift. In response, Riot Games is quickly issuing an emergency update to improve her resiliency and performance.

Champions Can Either Dominate or Struggle

When new champions are introduced in League of Legends, they either become dominant forces, striking fear into other players, or they struggle and have low win rates.

Unfortunately for Briar, she falls into the latter category. Since her release on September 13, her win rate has been abysmal. This has forced Riot developers to take immediate action and release an update.

Emergency Update to Boost Resilience

The emergency update aims to make Briar more resilient and help players become accustomed to her unique abilities. August Browning, the lead champion designer for Briar, has mentioned that the buffs are not significant but should provide players with a better understanding of her capabilities.

The update focuses on increasing Briar’s health, boosting damage reduction on her E ability, and slightly reducing the cooldown of her E. These changes should enhance her overall performance in the game.

The Impact of the Update

It remains to be seen how these changes will affect Briar’s win rates. As more players try out the champion and become familiar with her mechanics, only time will tell if the emergency update has effectively improved her performance.

Compared to Naafiri, who had a successful debut and continues to thrive on the Rift, Briar has faced more challenges in finding her place among League of Legends champions.

League of Legends, champion, Briar, emergency update, resiliency, win rate, Riot Games, Summoner’s Rift, performance, buffs, abilities.