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Biggest Mistake Supports Make in Solo Queue, as Agreed by LoL Players

Biggest Mistakes Made in the Support Role in League of Legends

When playing League of Legends, it’s common for players to get assigned to different positions. However, one position that often gets auto-filled is support. On October 5th, players came together to discuss the biggest mistakes that individuals make when playing this role.

Picking Champions from Other Positions

A League player and Reddit user named loosegoosestorm started the discussion by pointing out that some support players pick champions from other positions instead of focusing on the bottom lane. They mentioned champions like Xerath, Zac, and Lux as examples. This strategy is damaging to the entire team because it allows the enemy duo to abuse your AD Carry, giving them an early advantage.

Loosegoosestorm explained that playing support requires a different approach than playing other roles. They emphasized that support players should use their health bar as a resource for trading, have presence in the lane, and focus on controlling vision.

Ignoring the Bottom Lane

According to the author, some support players prefer to prioritize actions that are typically the mid laner’s or jungler’s responsibility rather than focusing on the bottom lane. As a result, the ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) often lose the lane due to this behavior.

Being Flexible and Embracing the Support Role

Many players agreed with loosegoosestorm’s perspective and shared their own experiences of similar outcomes. This shows the importance of being flexible and willing to take on the support role when needed, even if it’s not your main role. It’s better to be auto-filled than to wait in queue for an extended period.

If you want to see the original post on Reddit, you can click here.

League of Legends, support role, mistakes, bottom lane, champions, auto-filled, ADCs