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Best Jungle Routes for Vi in Season 12 – Achieving High Elo as a Vi Jungle

Vi: A Complete Guide to Jungle Domination

Vi has made a strong comeback as a top pick in the Jungle, and it’s easy to see why. She’s a powerful and mobile champion who can singlehandedly control the game. In the current pre-Season patch, Vi sits comfortably in the S+ tier and is considered one of the best Junglers to play right now. But mastering Vi’s Jungle gameplay can be a challenge if you’re just playing the game. That’s where this guide comes in.

We’re here to help you navigate Vi’s Jungle paths and make the most of her kit. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a deeper understanding of Vi’s gameplay and be able to win more games and earn valuable LP.

The Best Runes for Vi

When it comes to Vi’s runes, Hail of Blades and Electrocute are both viable choices. However, I recommend Hail of Blades for a more exciting and aggressive playstyle. Sudden Impact is an excellent choice for the bonus damage after each Q ability you use. Eyeball Collection provides free damage that’s easy to stack. And Relentless Hunter is a great pick for the added movement speed, which is crucial for a Jungler like Vi. For your secondary runes, Coup de Grace is a solid choice, but you can also consider Legend: Tenacity for dealing with CC or Legend: Alacrity for bonus attack speed.

The Best Items for Vi

For Vi’s item build, start with the regular Jungle starter item of your choice. The Blue starter item is recommended, unless you’re facing tough matchups like Udyr, Kayn, or Trundle. You can also opt for a Refillable Potion or a Control Ward and a Health Potion depending on your matchup.

On your first back with around 750-850 gold, prioritize getting Boots, Sheen, or Kindlegem. You can also grab a Control Ward or another low-cost item if you have extra gold. The completed build for Vi includes Divine Sunderer, Mercury or Plated Boots, Sterak’s Gage, Thornmail, Guardian, and Wit’s End. Alternatively, you can try Trinity Force, Mercury or Plated Boots, Sterak’s Gage, Death’s Dance, Guardian, and Chempunk Chainsword. There are also situational items like Ionian Boots, Black Cleaver, and Youmuu’s that you can consider.

Recommended Skill Build

When it comes to Vi’s skill order, start with W, then level up E, and finally Q. The first max can be either Q or E, depending on what you need at the moment. Maxing Q gives you more mobility, while maxing E focuses on dealing damage. You have the flexibility to choose based on the situation, and either option is viable.

The Best Jungle Paths for Vi

Choosing the right Jungle path for Vi depends on various factors such as the enemy Jungler’s position, your team’s objectives, and the side of the map you spawn on. There are four main Jungle paths for Vi, and we’ll cover each one briefly.

Red Side, Red Clear: Starting with the Red Buff clear is the most efficient option and gives you extra damage and a slow for ganks. After clearing the Red Buff area, move to the Blue Buff area and fight Gromp and Blue Buff simultaneously. Save your smite for the scuttler and focus on ganking Mid or Bot.

Red Side, Blue Clear: This clear is slightly less efficient, but it’s still a viable option. Start with the Blue Buff clear and make your way to Gromp and Red Buff. Save your smite for the scuttler and focus on ganking Mid or Bot.

Blue Side, Red Clear: Starting with the Red Buff clear is the preferred path for Vi. It allows for aggressive playstyle and offense. After clearing the Red Buff area, move to the Blue Buff area and fight Gromp and Blue Buff simultaneously. Save your smite for the scuttler and focus on ganking Top or Bot.

Blue Side, Blue Clear: Starting with the Blue Buff clear is the least efficient path for Vi. However, if the situation calls for it, you can still make it work. After clearing the Blue Buff area, move to the Gromp and Red Buff. Save your smite for the scuttler and focus on ganking Top or Bot.

Final Thoughts

Vi is an amazing and versatile Jungler in League of Legends. She offers a fun and exciting playstyle that can lead to great success. The Red Buff clear is the most efficient path for Vi, but don’t discount the Blue Buff clears in certain situations. Try out different strategies and see what works best for you. Have fun dominating the Jungle with Vi!

Remember to leave feedback on our guides to help us improve. And stay tuned for more League of Legends content on our website, including guides, lists, and articles. And if you enjoy playing Vi, be sure to check out our next guide on Xin Zhao’s Jungle path. Good luck on the Summoner’s Rift!