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Best Jungle Routes for Kindred in Season 12 at High Elo

As many League of Legends players know, the Jungle meta hasn’t always been as diverse as it is now. In the past, only a few champions stood out, like Fiddlesticks and Nidalee. However, Riot’s efforts to introduce more diversity to the Jungle have paid off with the release of Kindred, the first Jungler ADC.

Kindred has a unique theme and mechanics that players may not be familiar with. Initially, Kindred was popular but fell out of favor due to nerfs. However, with the introduction of the Mythic item system, Kindred has made a comeback.

As an ADC in the Jungle, Kindred players need to understand Marksman mechanics and rely on their allies to secure enemy Jungler’s marked camps. Once these conditions are met, Kindred becomes a powerful force in the game.

In this article, we will guide you through the essentials of playing Kindred, focusing on optimal Jungle routes and clearing strategies. This will give you an edge when playing Kindred for the first time.

Summoner Spells: Flash + Smite

Flash is essential for kiting as an ADC, making it the best option for Kindred.

Best Kindred Runes:

For Season 12, Lethal Tempo is the go-to keystone for marksmen. Press the Attack is the core Rune for Kindred, followed by Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand. Sudden Impact and Relentless Hunter are recommended as secondary Runes.

Best Kindred Items:

The recommended starting items are Emberknife and Refillable Potion. The core items include Berserker’s Greaves, Rapid Firecannon/Runaan’s Hurricane, and Infinity Edge. Lord Dominik’s Regards, Guardian Angel, The Collector, and Wit’s End are good finishing options.

The Best Skill Order for Kindred:

Max Q, E, W, R. Start with W for a better early Jungle clear.

The Best Jungle Paths for Kindred:

Kindred’s Q ability is effective for clearing camps. The best starts from each side include Red Side Red Clear, Red Side Blue Clear, Blue Side Blue Clear, and Blue Side Red Clear. Consider factors like which laners can provide more help, counter-jungle opportunities, and preferred ganking lanes when deciding on your Jungle path.

Tips and Tricks for Kindred Jungle:

Master Kindred’s playstyle by practicing their abilities and mechanics. Utilize Wolf’s Frenzy for healing and cooldown reduction. Use Mounting Dread for engages and executes. Proper use of Lamb’s Respite is crucial. Remember that the enemy team can monitor your marks, so be cautious. Kindred is a high-scaling champion, but mastering them takes time and effort.

Final Thoughts:

Kindred offers a refreshing and fun experience for Jungle players. They have the potential for high scaling but require skill to play effectively. Consider investing the time to master Kindred and enjoy the payoff. Stay tuned for more League-related content on our blog!

Also, check out our article on whether Kindred is good.