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Best Jungle Routes for High Elo Talon in Season 12

With the changes brought by Seasons 11, Assassin champions have become popular in both normal and competitive play, especially in the Jungle. Talon, The Blade’s Shadow, is one of the iconic AD Assassins who has successfully transitioned from Mid to Jungle. Talon operates on the same principle as Zed, relying on ganks and kills rather than farming. His E ability allows him to surprise enemies from different angles. However, playing Talon in the Jungle requires efficient pathing and well-timed ganks, which may be challenging for some players. In this guide, we will provide an in-depth pathing guide for Talon Jungle, along with useful tips and tricks to dominate the role.

Summoner Spells

For Talon, Ignite is the go-to Summoner Spell in the Jungle. His kit already provides mobility and escape tools, so Ignite adds kill pressure in the early to mid-game.

The Best Talon Runes

Talon’s ideal Runes are Electrocute and Dark Harvest in the Domination tree. Dark Harvest is generally preferred for its added sustain. Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Ingenious Hunter are recommended. For secondary Runes, Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight are better alternatives to Triumph and Coup de Grace because Assassins need an early gold lead.

The Best Talon Items

Starting items: Emberknife and Refillable Potion. Mythic items: Eclipse or Duskblade of Draktharr. Core items: Defensive Boots, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Edge of Night. Finishing options: Black Cleaver, Serylda’s Grudge, Serpent’s Fang. Choose between Duskblade and Eclipse based on personal preference. Consider building Axiom Arc after Youmuu’s if you have an early lead.

The Best Skill Order For Talon Jungle

Max W, then Q, and finally E while investing skill points into R when available.

The Best Jungle Paths for Talon

In Talon Jungle, prioritize ganking and securing takedowns. You can start from any side, but consider factors like laner assistance, counter-jungle opportunities, and which lane to gank first. Clear the camps efficiently and use your E to gank from unexpected angles.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Talon Jungle

  • Drop Control Wards in enemy territory to spot out roaming champions.
  • Look for opportunities to gank overextending enemies by using your E to jump over walls.
  • Lurk in the Fog of War during late game and punish enemies with poor positioning.
  • Use your mobility tools to escape after assassinating a target.
  • Focus on high-value targets and avoid giving away your position for a single kill.

Playing Talon Jungle requires early advantages and takedown-oriented playstyle. Learn the mechanics of your E and consider building defensive items when necessary. Keep up with our latest League-related content for more guides and tips!