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Best Jungle Routes for High Elo Olaf in Season 12

Back in Season 11, Riot added a lot of new content to League of Legends, including the introduction of the Mythic tier items. One of the most notable items was Goredrinker, which became a favorite among players and created a resurgence in skirmish-oriented champions like Olaf. Despite nerfs, Olaf remains dominant in the current meta thanks to his synergy with Goredrinker. In this guide, we’ll provide all the information you need to succeed with Olaf in the Jungle. Let’s get started!

Summoner Spells

The recommended Summoner Spells for Olaf are Flash, Ghost, and Smite. Ghost is especially useful because it synergizes well with Olaf’s Ultimate ability, Ragnarok, allowing him to run down enemies without being affected by crowd control. However, you can choose based on your preference.

The Best Olaf Runes

The best runes for Olaf are Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Bloodline, and Last Stand from the Precision Tree. For the secondary runes, go for Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity from the Inspiration Tree to boost movement speed and save gold.


While Conqueror is the most popular choice, the Preseason changes have made Lethal Tempo a viable alternative. However, it may be less effective on melee champions like Olaf.

The Best Olaf Items

The core items for Olaf include Goredrinker, Defensive Boots, Sterak’s Gage, Dead Man’s Plate, and Death’s Dance. You can also consider Divine Sunderer or Trinity Force as alternatives to Goredrinker depending on your playstyle. Additional options for finishing the build include Force of Nature, Spirit Visage, Black Cleaver, and Thornmail.

The Best Skill Order for Olaf Jungle

For skill order, start with Q (Undertow), then W (Vicious Strikes), followed by E (Reckless Swing). Max Q first, then W, and finally E. This order allows for efficient jungle clearing.

The Best Jungle Paths for Olaf

There are four recommended jungle paths for Olaf depending on your starting side and the enemy’s jungler position. The paths are Red Side, Red Clear; Red Side, Blue Clear; Blue Side, Red Clear; and Blue Side, Blue Clear. Each path maximizes efficient clearing and sets you up for ganks.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Olaf Jungle

To excel with Olaf, focus on landing your Q continuously to keep targets slowed and activate Approach Velocity. Use Undertow strategically to pick up axes and maintain pressure. Timing your W properly in combat can provide a significant attack speed and healing boost. Make the most of your Ultimate, Ragnarok, by dodging enemy CC and activating Ghost for maximum effectiveness.

Finalizing Thoughts

Olaf is a fearless champion who excels in diving into combat and initiating fights. His recent resurgence in the meta has made him a force to be reckoned with in the Jungle. Use this guide to improve your Olaf mechanics and lead your team to victory. Good luck on the Rift!