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Best jungle routes for high Elo Kindred in Season 12

When League of Legends veterans think back to the Jungle meta, they may remember a time when only a few champions stood out. But Riot has made efforts to bring diversity to the Jungle, and Kindred, the Eternal Hunters, has played a part in that. Although Kindred had a rough patch with repeated nerfs, the release of the Mythic item system has revived their potential. Now, Kindred is a fearsome force in the Jungle, with the ability to turn the tide of combat.

For Kindred players, it’s important to have a basic understanding of Marksman mechanics and to get help from allies to secure the enemy Jungler’s camps. But once those conditions are met, Kindred can be a terrifying duo, capable of jumping around the Rift and dominating fights.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essentials of playing Kindred, including optimal Jungle routes and clearing strategies. These tips will give you an edge in your first Kindred game. Enjoy!

Summoner Spells

The best Summoner Spells for Kindred are Flash and Smite. Flash helps with kiting and provides versatility, making it the overall best option.

Best Kindred Runes

In season 12, Lethal Tempo is the go-to Rune for marksmen. But for Kindred, Press the Attack is the core Rune to build around. Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand are also great choices. Sudden Impact and Relentless Hunter are recommended for secondary Runes, as they complement Kindred’s hunter playstyle.

Best Kindred Items

Starting with Emberknife + Refillable Potion, Kindred’s build path is similar to other on-hit marksmen. The core items include Berserker’s Greaves, Rapid Firecannon or Runaan’s Hurricane, and Infinity Edge. For tank-shredding, consider Lord Dominik’s Regards and Wit’s End. Immortal Shieldbow is a good Mythic item for beginners, providing added survivability and early life steal.

The Best Skill Order for Kindred

The max order for Kindred is Q > E > W > R. However, it’s important to note that W should be the first ability to take, as it helps with early Jungle clearing.

The Best Jungle Paths for Kindred

Kindred’s clearing tools, such as Q and W, make the Jungle camps easier to handle. Here are some advantageous starting paths:

  • Red Side, Red Clear: Start with Red Buff, then move to Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, and Gromp. Finally, secure the Scuttler in the River.
  • Red Side, Blue Clear: Start with Blue Buff, then move to Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, and Red Buff. Secure the Scuttler in the River.
  • Blue Side, Blue Clear: Start with Blue Buff, then move to Gromp, Wolves, Raptors, and Red Buff. Secure the Scuttler in the River.
  • Blue Side, Red Clear: Start with Red Buff, then move to Raptors, Wolves, Blue Buff, and Gromp. Finally, secure the Scuttler in the River.

The Best Tips and Tricks for Kindred Jungle

  • Practice using Dance of Arrows to cross terrain and learn which areas Kindred can navigate.
  • Use Wolf’s Frenzy for sustain, reduced cooldowns, and bonus damage scaling.
  • Mouting Dread can be used as an engage or execution tool, especially against low-health targets.
  • Make sure to coordinate with teammates for the best use of Lamb’s Respite.

Finalizing Thoughts

Kindred offers a unique and refreshing playstyle in the Jungle. Although they can be challenging to master, the scaling and potential of this champion are worth the effort. Remember to be mindful of the enemy team’s awareness of your marks and focus on securing them in favorable situations. With practice and strategy, Kindred can become a dominant force in the Jungle. Stay tuned for more League-related content!