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Best Jungle Routes for High Elo Ekko in Season 12

All MOBA games have playable abilities that deal with time, but executing them properly can be challenging. Riot has created a champion, Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered Time, whose kit revolves around time manipulation. Ekko is unique as the only champion who can effectively revert time and is one of the most popular AP Assassins in the game, highly beloved by players.

Ekko’s high damage output, mobility, sustain, and playmaking potential make him arguably the strongest AP Jungler. However, some players may struggle to carry games with him. To solve this issue, it is important to approach Ekko’s kit with the right strategy, focusing on instantaneous assassinations and rapid escapes, which are made possible by his dynamic abilities.

In this guide, we will discuss the optimal Jungle pathing for Ekko, as well as the recommended Summoner Spells, Runes, Items, and provide some helpful tips and tricks. Stay tuned!

Summoner Spells

The standard Summoner Spells for Ekko are Flash and Smite. While some Assassins can replace Flash with a more offensive option, it is advisable to stick with Flash for Ekko. Flash synergizes well with his fast-paced gameplay and provides a familiar tool for players.

Best Ekko Runes

The optimal keystones for Ekko are Electrocute and Dark Harvest, accompanied by Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter in the Domination tree. For secondary Runes, Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight from the Inspiration tree complement Ekko’s fast-paced playstyle. These Runes provide additional burst damage, cooldown reduction, and mobility.

Best Ekko Items

Recommended starting items for Ekko in the Jungle are Hailblade and Refillable Potion. The preferred Mythic item is Hextech Rocketbelt, although Crown of the Shattered Queen can be an alternative choice. Core items include Sorcerer’s Shoes, Lich Bane, Mejai’s Soulstealer, and Nashor’s Tooth. Finishing options include Rabadon’s Deathcap, Shadowflame, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Cosmic Drive. These items enhance Ekko’s burst damage, mobility, and survivability.

Skill Order

It is advisable to start with Ekko’s W (Parallel Convergence) at Level 1 for the increased shielding and stun, which helps with the first Buff clear. After that, prioritize Q (Timewinder), E (Phase Dive), and finally R (Chronobreak).

The Best Jungle Paths for Ekko

When choosing a Jungle path for Ekko, consider factors such as which laners can provide help in clearing the first camp, counter-jungling opportunities, and which lane to gank first. Remember that Ekko is an Assassin, so focus more on killing enemies rather than clearing camps. Ganking and making picks on high-value targets can lead to objectives and victories.

Best Tips and Tricks for Ekko

– Use Ekko’s Q, E, and Passive damage to burst down targets, even before reaching Level 6.
– Position Ekko’s W (Parallel Convergence) strategically to set up ganks and catch enemies off guard.
– Take advantage of Mejai’s Soulstealer’s fully stacked stats and use your R (Chronobreak) to escape unfavorable trades.
– Combine Ekko’s R (Chronobreak) and W (Parallel Convergence) for devastating stuns and damage.
– Utilize active item abilities, like Zhonya’s or Rocketbelt, for extra damage or to buy time for ability resets.

Final Thoughts

Ekko, The Boy Who Shattered Time, is a high-damage AP Assassin and a strong choice for Jungle. By following the suggested strategies, optimal Jungle pathing, and utilizing his abilities effectively, players can find success with Ekko. Keep an eye out for more League-related content on our website!