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Best Bruiser Build for Akali in League of Legends

Welcome Summoners! Do you love Akali’s diving abilities but wish she had a bit more durability? Introducing Bruiser Akali, the versatile champion that combines sustained damage with tankiness. If you’re looking for a middle-ground between bursty assassin and tanky front-liner, you’re in the right place!

– Bruiser Akali focuses on durability and sustained damage.
– Win rate of 48.1% in platinum+ ranks.
– Builds often include items like Titanic Hydra and Sterak’s Gage.
– Pro-players and streamers are taking notice.
– Offers versatility in gameplay and team comps.

Deciphering Bruiser Akali:

Bruiser Akali is a testament to the flexibility of League’s champions. You might wonder, why choose bruiser instead of the full AP assassin build?

Flexibility and Durability:

According to Voyboy, Akali isn’t a traditional assassin anymore. With a bruiser build, she can deal significant damage while being able to survive longer in fights, allowing her to dive the backline while withstanding incoming damage.

Statistical Insight:

With a win rate of 48.1% in platinum and above ranks, Bruiser Akali is not just a quirky build. It’s a legitimate strategy that offers a fresh way to play the rogue assassin.

The Build Rundown: Making Bruiser Akali Work:

To dominate with Bruiser Akali, you need the right build. Here’s how you can do it:

Core Items:
– Titanic Hydra: Offers bonus on-hit damage and enhances Akali’s wave-clear capability.
– Sterak’s Gage: Provides a shield when taking large amounts of damage, giving Akali added protection in skirmishes.

The Secrets of AD Akali:

Despite dealing magic damage, Akali’s abilities have both AP and AD scalings. Items like Titanic Hydra not only add survivability but also increase her damage output. The bruiser build optimally utilizes her AP-AD hybrid nature.

Rune Resonance: Key Runes to Amplify the Bruiser Build:

For Bruiser Akali, the following runes work best:
– PRECISION: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand.
– DOMINATION: Ravenous Hunter, Taste of Blood.

[YouTube Video Embed]

Digging Deeper: Bruiser Akali’s Place in the Current Meta:

As the meta shifts, adaptability is crucial for victory. Traditional AP Akali excels at quick assassinations, but the Bruiser Akali variant addresses challenges posed by champions that can counter her burst or lockdown her.

Comparing Bruiser to Traditional AP Akali:

As AP Akali, you’re on a timer in teamfights. The Bruiser build provides you with extra durability, increasing the chances of a successful dive.

Gameplay Tips and Tricks:

Mastering a new build requires practice. Here are some tips:
– Engage Timing: With added tankiness, you can engage slightly earlier, but remember you’re not a full tank!
– Shuriken Flip (E): Use it offensively and defensively. With the Bruiser build, you can confidently re-engage fights after disengaging with this ability.
– Perfect Execution (R): Your ultimate still deals significant damage; it’s not just a mobility tool.

Team Synergy:

Bruiser Akali works best with a team that can follow up on her engages. Champions that provide additional CC or front-line support enhance her effectiveness.

Akali’s Evolution: Why This Matters:

Seeing a champion like Akali evolving into a bruiser role reflects the beauty of League of Legends. The game offers endless surprises and innovations, allowing players to adapt, evolve, and conquer in new and exciting ways.

Parting Thoughts:

League of Legends is a game of infinite possibilities. The rise of Bruiser Akali showcases the game’s depth and the community’s ingenuity. Consider the Bruiser route when playing Akali for a refreshing change.


– Is Akali AP or AD?
– Is AD Akali better than AP Akali?
– Does Akali have AD scalings?
– Can Akali build full AD?
– Why is Bruiser Akali gaining traction?
– Is Bruiser Akali suitable for beginners?
– Which matchups favor Bruiser Akali?
– Any other champions that can adopt this hybrid style?

A Personal Conclusion from Tony Fallon:

Bruiser Akali demonstrates a shift in the meta and how champions like Akali can be more than they seem. This build highlights the creative aspect of players, challenging norms, and achieving stellar results. Dive in, experiment, and enjoy your bruisy assassinations!

– U.GG – League of Legends Statistics
– Voyboy – Streamer’s Insights
– Riot Games – Champion Insights
– OP.GG – Matchup Analysis
– – Pro Player Builds and Trends

Hope this helps you with your Bruiser Akali journey!