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Bard Receives Urgent Nerfs in LoL Arena, Merely a Day After Buffs

Bard Receives Nerfs in the Latest League of Legends Update

In the recent League Arena update, the lovable chime-hunting Bard has become a terror in League of Legends. His win rate skyrocketed, forcing Riot Games developers to quickly release nerfs to address the issue.

Bard initially received buffs for his Chimes, Meeps, and W and E abilities in the Aug. 2 patch. These buffs aimed to increase his play rate, but they ended up transforming him into a metagame monster. Within hours, Bard claimed the top spot in win rate, winning nearly 68% of games, according to League stats page

Riot promptly responded by implementing a micropatch to nerf Bard in the live servers.

Today’s patch removed Bard’s passive buffs, which included only needing two Chimes per upgrade and dealing more damage with his Meeps. Additionally, a major glitch on his Caretaker’s Shrine ability, which prevented it from healing teammates, was also fixed.

Bard’s Updated Abilities and Future Prospects

Bard’s updated abilities include a reduced charge time for his Caretaker’s Shrine ability, increased ability haste and healing, and the ability to carry more max packs. His Magical Journey also received a boost in ability haste.

It’s difficult to predict how Bard will fare after these emergency changes, but early expectations suggest that he will still maintain much of his newfound power. Stay tuned for Dot’s Arena tier list update, as Bard is expected to climb several tiers.

Other Changes in the League Arena Update

Alongside Bard’s nerfs, top-tier champions Taric, Jax, and Annie received nerfs, while champions like Blitzcrank, Katarina, and Ziggs were buffed.

Bard, League of Legends, nerfs, buffs, win rate, Riot Games, League Arena, chimes, metagame, micropatch, passive buffs, abilities, glitch, healing, ability haste, emergency changes, champions