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Balance adjustments announced for Azir, Ryze, Tristana, and Galio in Patch 8.5

Riot Plans to Nerf Ryze, Azir, Galio, and Tristana

According to a recent post on the official League of Legends forums, Riot Games has announced that Ryze, Azir, Galio, and Tristana will be receiving much-needed nerfs. These champions have been dominating the professional stage and it’s high time their power is toned down.

Consistent Dominance from Galio and Tristana

Galio and Tristana have been top-tier picks among professional players since the conclusion of Worlds in November. However, Azir and Ryze have gained popularity more recently. While Ryze was only picked occasionally as a niche choice at Worlds, Azir was considered irrelevant during that time. With the introduction of new runes and Azir’s mini-rework in Patch 7.19, he has become a force to be reckoned with.

Azir and Ryze Struggle in Solo Queue

Despite their prowess on the professional stage, Azir and Ryze have been struggling in solo queue. According to League stats site, they currently have some of the worst win rates in the mid lane. On the other hand, Tristana has been performing exceptionally well and will likely receive straightforward nerfs to her attack speed, damage, or cooldowns. Galio’s performance is also solid, so he may see some damage reduction as well.

Delicate Balancing Act for Riot

When it comes to nerfing Ryze and Azir, Riot must proceed with caution. Since these champions already struggle in solo queue, any nerfs aimed at professional play must not further diminish their performance for the general player base. Typically, Riot focuses on reducing utility while maintaining damage, as solo queue games primarily revolve around trading damage and one-on-one fights.

Ryze may see a nerf to his ultimate’s cooldown or waveclear, while Azir’s attack speed boosts or shield could be potential targets. However, it’s important for both champions to receive small damage buffs to prevent them from becoming irrelevant in solo queue.

Patch 8.5 is scheduled to arrive in approximately three weeks and will include all of these nerfs.

League of Legends, esports, Ryze, Azir, Galio, Tristana, nerfs, professional play, solo queue