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Aurelion Sol: Is he AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide

Are you a League of Legends player? If so, you’ve probably noticed that Aurelion Sol isn’t a common sight in games. With one of the lowest pick rates in the game, he’s become quite rare. This is mainly due to the numerous nerfs he’s received in previous patches, which have made him less effective. However, Aurelion Sol still has a unique kit that can make him a formidable champion on the Rift.

Aurelion Sol’s kit revolves around his Q ability, which can hit multiple enemies. This ability also has a unique passive that causes the stun area of effect to grow the longer Aurelion Sol travels with it. Additionally, he has a skill that allows him to fly and ignore terrain, making him an excellent roaming champion. His ganks are almost unavoidable since he can increase the stun area of effect with his Q.

However, Aurelion Sol’s W ability prevents him from hiding in bushes, as it reveals him even if he is inside one.

Is Aurelion Sol AP or AD Champion?

In terms of damage type, Aurelion Sol is classified as a battlemage. This means that his main source of damage comes from his abilities, which scale with ability power (AP). As a battlemage, Aurelion Sol excels in extended fights thanks to his W ability. He also has burst potential if you can master the interaction between his Q and his ultimate. However, it’s important to note that Aurelion Sol is not particularly durable, so he relies on his W to survive in extended fights.

Being a battlemage, it’s recommended to build items that enhance Aurelion Sol’s performance in extended fights. Items that immobilize enemies and increase his HP or defensive stats are great choices. Aurelion Sol’s kit revolves around his W ability, which grants him three rotating stars that can deal bonus damage and increase in range when activated.

Since Aurelion Sol’s spells consume a lot of mana, it’s also beneficial to build mana-increasing items. This will help ensure that you have enough mana to cast your spells consistently throughout the game.

Best Aurelion Builds

To optimize your build for Aurelion Sol, consider the following options:

  • If the enemy team comp consists of squishy champions, consider building Everfrost, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Shadowflame, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Sorcerer’s Shoes, and Morellonomicon.
  • If the enemy team comp consists of tanky champions, consider building Liandry’s Anguish, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Morellonomicon, Shadowflame, Demon’s Embrace, and Sorcerer’s Shoes.

Best Runes for Aurelion Sol

To optimize Aurelion Sol’s rune setup, consider the following choices:

  • Electrocute: This rune can be easily triggered with a simple stun and activation of your W ability, followed by a basic attack.
  • Taste of Blood: This rune allows you to heal every time you poke an enemy with your Q or W ability.
  • Eyeball Collection: This rune provides free bonus adaptive damage.
  • Relentless Hunter: This rune helps Aurelion Sol maintain his distance with his Q ability whenever he ganks a lane.
  • Biscuit Delivery: This rune provides free potions and bonus mana for Aurelion Sol.
  • Timewarp Tonic: This rune is great for early game trades and synergizes well with Biscuit Delivery.

Where Can I Use Aurelion Sol?

The best lane for Aurelion Sol is the mid lane. His ability to make his Q larger and pass through terrain makes him a great champion for roaming between lanes. With his flying ability, he can surprise gank any lane with a huge Q that is unavoidable. Additionally, he can come from unexpected angles by maneuvering through terrain, allowing him to flank enemies effectively.

When Should I Pick Aurelion Sol?

Aurelion Sol is a great pick when the enemy team composition doesn’t have many champions with crowd control abilities, such as Lux or Morgana. He relies on constant movement to deal damage to enemies, so positioning is key. Additionally, he excels at bursting down squishy champions and following up with sustained damage from his W ability.


In conclusion, Aurelion Sol is an ability power (AP) champion who lacks any ability to scale with attack damage (AD). He thrives against team compositions without hard crowd control abilities and his item build can be adjusted to counter his enemies effectively. Mastery of Aurelion Sol requires practice, particularly in terms of positioning and spell casting timing.