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Aurelion Sol: AP or AD? – The Ultimate Season 12 LoL Guide

Aurelion Sol, a rare pick in League of Legends, has a low pick rate due to multiple nerfs in previous patches.

His kit includes a Q ability that can stun multiple enemies, with the stun AoE growing the longer Aurelion Sol travels with it. He also has a unique skill that allows him to fly and ignore terrains, making him a great roaming champion with unavoidable ganks. However, his W ability prevents him from hiding in bushes.

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Is Aurelion Sol AP or AD Champion?


Aurelion Sol is a battlemage who relies on ability power for his damage. His W ability excels in extended fights, and he has burst potential when combining his Q and ultimate. While he can sustain extended fights, Aurelion Sol lacks durability. His W ability allows for increased range during fights.

As a battlemage, Aurelion Sol benefits from items that immobilize enemies and increase his HP or defensive stats. His kit revolves around his W, which grants him three rotating stars that can deal bonus damage and increase his range. Adequate mana-increasing items are also beneficial for Aurelion Sol due to his high spell costs.

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Best Aurelion Builds

  • Squishy enemy team comp builds: Everfrost, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Shadowflame, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Morellonomicon.
  • Against tank-heavy team comp: Liandry’s Anguish, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Morellonomicon, Shadowflame, Demon’s Embrace, Sorcerer’s Shoes.

Best Runes for Aurelion Sol

  • Electrocute: Easily procced with a stun, W, and basic attack combo.
  • Taste of Blood: Enables healing when poking enemies with Q or W.
  • Eyeball Collection: Grants free bonus adaptive damage.
  • Relentless Hunter: Helps Aurelion Sol maintain distance with his Q during ganks.
  • Biscuit Delivery: Provides free potions and bonus mana for Aurelion Sol.
  • Timewarp Tonic: Great for early game trades and synergizes with Biscuit Delivery.

Where Can I Use Aurelion Sol?

The mid lane is the best lane for Aurelion Sol. His ability to make his Q larger and pass through terrain allows for easy roaming to both lanes. He can surprise gank any lane with an unavoidable huge Q, using his ability to fly through terrain to approach from unexpected angles.

When Should I Pick Aurelion Sol?

Aurelion Sol is a good pick against enemy team comps without many CC champions. His playstyle relies on constant movement to deal damage, making positioning crucial, especially for his W ability. Pick him against squishy champions for burst potential followed by sustained damage from his W.

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Aurelion Sol is an AP champion with no AD scaling in his abilities. He excels against team comps without hard CC abilities, and his item build can be adjusted based on the enemy team. Mastering Aurelion Sol requires practice in positioning and spellcasting.