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Attack Move vs. Attack Move Click: Understanding the Distinction

Most League of Legends players default to using Attack Move Click without realizing there is another way to control their champion. There are two methods of champion control in League of Legends: Attack Move and Attack Move Click. Attack Move involves using separate inputs for moving and attacking, while Attack Move Click combines attacking and moving into a single click.

What is Attack Move?

Attack Move in League of Legends shows the range of your champion and automatically makes them attack any enemy target within range upon left-clicking. It ensures that your champion only moves and attacks where you intend them to. To use Attack Move, you need to execute two commands: first, use a hotkey to show your range, and then left-click to initiate the move command.

What is Attack Move Click?

Attack Move Click allows you to attack the nearest enemy to your mouse cursor, prioritizing champions over other targets. It functions similarly to Attack Move, but with a single move command instead of two separate commands.

What’s the Difference?

The main difference between the two methods lies in the command execution, the auto-attack range indicator, and the speed of execution. Attack Move requires two commands and displays the auto-attack range indicator before executing the move command. Attack Move Click, on the other hand, only requires one command and doesn’t display the range indicator.

Which One is Better?

Attack Move is recommended for ADC (Attack Damage Carry) players, as they heavily rely on auto-attacks. The accuracy and precision provided by Attack Move help ADC players avoid mistakes while kiting or “Orb Walking.”

Advantages of Attack Move Click

There are several advantages to using Attack Move Click. Firstly, it allows for more accuracy, making it easier to kite opponents. Secondly, it enables quick and efficient clearing of wards, contributing to denying enemy vision. Finally, it helps in displaying your champion’s attack range, allowing you to trade and deal damage without overstepping.

How to Set Up Attack Move Click

The default keybind for Attack Move Click is Shift + MB2. However, you can change it by going to Settings > Hotkeys > Player Movement. We recommend setting “A” as the keybind for Attack Move Click, as it is conveniently close to other important keys.

ADC Champions and Attack Move Click

ADC champions heavily rely on auto-attacks, making Attack Move Click particularly beneficial for them. Strong ADC champions include Twitch, Vayne, Kai’Sa, and Zeri.

Final Thoughts

While Attack Move Click is generally considered better, it is not always necessary for every role. Tank champions or mages may not need it. However, it can still offer benefits beyond what has been mentioned here. Give it a try and see if it helps you in your gameplay.